Your Weekly Vegan Menu For The Month Of July

In this weekly menu for the summer you will find a great variety of fresh and nutritious foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They hydrate you, they fill you up, and they are delicious!
Weekly vegan menu for July

The summer months , vacations and trips par excellence are here. Although this year tourism and social relations are going to be a little different, it is still a very hot month, with long days, ideal for outdoor activities. One of our concerns should be to be well hydrated.

The July menu that I propose is full of foods that hydrate you.

  • You can download your weekly seasonal menu here.

Weekly menu with seasonal foods for the month of July

If we want to be well hydrated, it is important to eliminate sugary drinks and alcohol from day to day, especially the latter, which does not provide us with hydration and is also not healthy. We have many more options than we imagine. Not only drinks, but also food: salads, fruits and cold soups also quench our thirst.

To drink, in addition to water, which must be our reference option, we have many alternatives to sugary drinks, such as lemon juice, natural lemonade, cold teas and infused waters.

In any case, remember that, no matter how hot and thirsty you are, it is not recommended that the drinks we drink are excessively cold. Also, don’t forget that slightly hot drinks help us to regulate the sensation of heat, so having a green tea or an infusion is still a good idea.

In addition, we continue in the gazpacho season, which you can flavor with different fruits and vegetables, adding seeds to enrich them in nutrients and giving variety to a very popular dish in summer. The salmorejo, the garlic soup and cold soups tomato, watermelon and cantaloupe are also great choices to accompany any food, freshen up and nurture.

The fruits that we should not miss are without a doubt the stone ones, such as peaches, nectarines or plums, melons and lemon pears. And without forgetting that the blueberry season begins , which we can add to our breakfasts and snacks, but also to our salads.

Although we feel like light meals, remember that it can be a time when time and long days invite us to do much more physical activity. Especially if we have days off or vacations and we say we spend them in nature, which gives us the opportunity to do sports outdoors.

In fact, it is common that if we visit an unknown city we walk much more than normal. Have you ever counted your steps when you are a tourist? You will be surprised to see that it is an activity that also wears out, although we do not pay attention because we are absorbed in discovering the place.

So it is also important that we remember to include protein-dense foods and also very energetic foods if this is our case, to be able to replace batteries.

Finally, remember to pack your B12 supplement if you are on a plant-based diet.

Let’s go now with the menu:

Breakfast and snacks

Choose the options that you like the most and change throughout the week:

  • Unsweetened non- dairy yogurt with homemade granola
  • Chickpea sponge cake with cocoa
  • Slice of seed bread with tahini
  • Hummus sandwich with sliced tomato and olive pate
  • Overnight oats: Extra fine oat flakes with vegetable drink, almonds and blueberries, made the night before and stored in the fridge.

And to drink with breakfast:

  • Watermelon and mint smoothie
  • Fresh vegetable milk shake with raw cocoa and turmeric
  • Frappé (coffee with vegetable milk, cooled with ice, that can be made in a shaker or granita style with the blender)


  • Food: White garlic and quinoa baked with tofu. Option 2: Traditional gazpacho with 3 pepper mince and rice balls stuffed with tempeh
  • Dinner: Pumpkin cream with hemp seeds. Option 2 : Vegan chickpea flour tortilla with green asparagus and leek.


  • Lunch: Potato and zucchini croquettes and colorful salad with chickpea tempeh (you will find both recipes in this article on potato recipes by Virginia García). Option 2: Assorted green salad with cocoa vinaigrette and azukis bean and pumpkin stew.
  • Dinner: Radish salad with its leaves and onion and battered tempeh or tempeh tempura.


  • Food: Watermelon gazpacho and chickpea pilaf
  • Dinner: Tofu, broccoli, onion and carrot in the wok. Option 2: Melon with grilled smoked tofu with tamari


  • Lunch: Cucumber and tomato salad and chana masala with brown rice. Option 2: Buddha bowl with rice noodles, grilled tempeh or tofu, cooked beets and raw spinach
  • Dinner: Pea paste with creamy carrot cheese.


  • Lunch: Coleslaw salad with purple cabbage and chickpea burger.
  • Dinner: Mini pizzas with a tofu base. Option 2: Vichyssoise and grilled tofu or tempeh


  • Food: Zucchini carpaccio with raspberry vinaigrette and oatmeal and rice seitan. Option 2: Gazpacho or beetroot salad and vegan paella with smoked tofu.
  • Dinner: Summer salad with tomato, lettuce and onion base, adding pickles, nuts, olives and cooked legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans) with a touch of lemon juice and olive oil.


  • Food: Vegan tapas snacks: Stuffed tomatoes, fried padrón peppers, vegan potato omelette, croquettes, different types of hummus, gazpacho, assorted crudités and bread (you can make homemade bread, if you dare).
  • Dinner: Cold cream of zucchini and red lentil curry

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