Treat And Prevent Kidney Stones With Natural Means

Stones or stones in the kidneys are a frequent and painful problem that is favored by the type of diet. We explain how to prevent them through diet and natural remedies.
kidney stones

The so-called “stones” or “calculi” in the kidney are precipitations of salts around a nucleus or matrix called “uromucoid” (a mucoprotein).

They are formed by various causes, such as an increase in the number of crystalloids, changes in the urine or urinary tract, etc.

Not all stones are the same. Its composition varies: among the most common crystals we find those of uric acid, calcium oxalate, cystine, calcium phosphate and ammonium-magnesium phosphate, each the result of specific circumstances.

The main types of kidney stones (stones)

It is important to determine the type of stone through the sediment in the urine, as the result determines the treatment. These are the most common types:

  • Uric acid: We recommend a strict vegetarian diet, lemon water, drinking alkaline and lithinated waters. The diet in uric stones must be poor in purines (avoiding organ meats, meat, anchovies and sardines). It is important to keep urine alkaline (raise its pH) so that stones do not precipitate, since dissolved uric acid does not crystallize in alkaline urine.
  • Ammonium-magnesium phosphate: They are usually associated with infections. If there are phosphate stones, it is necessary to reduce dietary phosphorus (brains, fish …) and balance the diet.
  • Calcium oxalate: It is advisable to increase the intake of magnesium and fruits. Before, a diet was prescribed to avoid mixing foods rich in calcium and foods rich in oxalates (coffee, tea, chocolate, spinach, chard, beets …). Urine should be acidified to avoid precipitation of oxalate salts. Today it is advisable to drink water rich in magnesium and plenty of fresh fruit juices.

Diet can promote or prevent stones

The high rate of calcium-containing stones in our country is directly related to dietary patterns of low fiber content, highly refined flours, high consumption of alcohol, animal proteins and fats, foods with a high calcium content, excess salt and products highly enriched with vitamin D.

For these reasons, these types of calculations are less common in vegetarians. They decrease with the intake of magnesium and vitamin B6 and drinking plenty of water (three liters a day), although a diet rich in vegetables and fruits reduces the need for water intake. It is important to prevent urinary infections.

In addition, people with a tendency to form stones can perform a weekly cure every three months consisting of:

  • Take two or three times a day a tea with two parts of red sandstone ( Spergularia rubra ), one part of lemon balm and one part of grass ( Cynodon dactylon ). It is prepared with a one tablespoon of the mixture per cup.
  • Take stone breakers ( Lepidium latifolium ) as a fresh plant.
  • Take a warm, half-length bath once or twice a day.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of very weak mineralized water a day.

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