Take Care Of Your Eyes From The Inside

It is often said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, since they reflect how we are inside. These optometry and natural medicine guidelines will help you improve the most common eye problems.

We use our eyes to observe, to read, to seduce, to express joy or sadness. They can do so many things that they seem to work on their own and do not need any care. However, the eyes are a very delicate part of the body. Practicing some habits and dedicating minimal care to them will help you avoid problems.

You can take care of your eyes both from the inside, with food and relaxation, and from the outside, doing visual training exercises.

What can help your eyes

These are the most appropriate care and exercises to prevent, improve the most common visual problems and disorders today.

If you have presbyopia or eyestrain

The most common eye complaint is the eyestrain, which is due both to the task being performed and the way it is carried out. Mental tension is reflected in the eyes. Therefore, the key to reducing fatigue is to carry out tasks with maximum relaxation.

To read, it is best to sit in a relaxed and upright position, place the text 40 centimeters from your eyes and blink once or twice per line. Vision has to focus on the text but activating the so-calledperipheral vision”, that is, maintaining awareness of the rest of the environment.

The light must be adequate and its source located to the side and behind the shoulder. There should be no reflections or burning lamps in the field of view.

While working it is also necessary to relax your eyes from time to time. A rule of thumb is to blink consciously and often. It is also advisable to look up every ten minutes and fixate on an object as distant as possible for five or ten seconds.

An added problem for those who spend many hours at the computer is that they can suffer from a frontal headache. It is usually due to focusing difficulties that imperceptibly but constantly force an additional effort.

Although suitable glasses can help, it is important to improve the lighting of the workplace, the distance to the screen and the posture, as well as to carry out focusing exercises.

Another common problem is presbyopia or “eyestrain. This difficulty in seeing closely becomes evident between the ages of 40 and 45, and occurs when the lens loses flexibility. Vision therapy can delay the need for glasses to see up close, but not prevent it.

Are you nearsighted? It is the most common visual defect

In general, myopia is acquired, associated with close visual tasks: reading, writing, video games, computer … The problem is that it tends to increase over time and that makes the eye have a greater risk of suffering from eye diseases.

Its relationship with near vision is clear: it is estimated that nearsighted people use their eyes in near vision twice as long. That is why it is very important to follow the above tips.

An optical correction system used is orthokeratology: it consists of the programmed modification of the shape of the cornea –the first lens of the eye– with the aim of reducing or correcting myopia. It is done with special lenses that are used when sleeping and allow a clear and free vision during the day. They should be used every night to maintain the desired effect; otherwise, the cornea returns to its original shape. This ensures the safety of the technique as the effects are reversible.

How to fight dry eyes

The eyelids, eyelashes and tears protect from dust, wind, microorganisms and other harmful substances. For its part, blinking, a reflex movement, is very important to keep the ocular surface hydrated.

The tear, in addition to preserving the transparency of the cornea, traps and drags the particles that enter the eye, while being rich in antibodies. So that it does not evaporate easily, the tear has a fatty part.

Glands in the form of points located on the inner edge of the eyelids participate in the creation of this fat part. Massaging and cleaning the lid margin is important to regain its functionality.

In case of dry eyes, the sensation of burning, stinging and itching in the eyes is frequent. The problem can be improved by using artificial tears and humidifiers, as well as massaging and cleaning the eyelids daily. Foods or supplements that contain omega-3 and omega-6 also improve symptoms.

Maximum hygiene against conjunctivitis

In essence, conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the ocular surface – the conjunctiva. The behavior is similar to that of most tissues when they become inflamed: the vessels dilate so that more blood flows in and with it more cells to defend and repair the area.

In the case of the ocular mucosa, it modifies the tear and increases the large defensive proteins. As a result , viscous residues are formed, legañas, which would be like mucus in the nose.

The symptoms are red eye, itching, stinging and heaviness, depending on the cause and intensity. The most intense or long conjunctivitis causes a very red eye and pain, and requires treatment by an ophthalmologist.

There are also allergic conjunctivitis , in which allergens must be eliminated with eye washes or the frequent use of artificial tears.

For eye irritation or mild conjunctivitis, eye washes can be performed two or three times a day with an infusion: a teaspoon of a mixture of cornflower and eyebright per glass of spring water, to which is added a pinch of salt.

As prevention, good personal hygiene is essential, especially hand washing. Towels should never be shared with people who have conjunctivitis. It is best for the person with conjunctivitis to dry off with disposable paper towels.

To delay cataracts

Cataracts are due to the loss of transparency of the lens, which produces a slow and progressive decrease in vision.

The causes include factors such as exposure to ultraviolet light, toxic habits such as tobacco, diseases such as diabetes, high myopia or simply age. The sensation is of cloudy vision, out of focus, less vivid colors and glare.

Treatment is surgical and is performed when it affects the quality of life and prevents normal activities.

At a preventive level, it is advisable to protect your eyes with sunglasses since childhood, especially in mountain or beach activities, where solar radiation is strong. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain an adequate diet, rich in vitamins (A, B and C) and minerals (zinc, calcium, magnesium and selenium), avoiding toxins as much as possible, such as alcohol or tobacco.

Age-related macular degeneration

This degenerative disease affects the center of the retina (macula), responsible for the visual function that allows the perception of detail. It is the second leading cause of blindness behind diabetes.

It exists in a “dry”, slow-evolving, and “wet” form, which requires rapid intervention by the retina specialist ophthalmologist. The most characteristic symptom is loss of visual acuity and distorted vision.

Inadequate nutrition, aggressive environmental conditions (exposure to ultraviolet light) and the body’s own oxidation generate free radicals, the cause of ocular aging.

Its prevention is based on changes in vital habits: we must promote exercise, eliminate toxins and opt for a natural diet, rich in carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin. It is advisable to take grape seed, blueberry and ginkgo extract, and include selenium, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E in the daily diet.

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