“Singing Mantras Creates Peace”

Deva Premal is a German singer known for her meditative spiritual ‘New Age’ music. Chanting mantras is his specialty.

Deva Premal’s music is an expression of love and devotion through song. Together with Miten, her partner since 1991, they travel around the world to connect the energy of the mantras to whoever wants to receive it. This 2020 he also plans to do a tour sharing his music.

–What did you feel when, as a child and thanks to your parents, you discovered spiritual songs and meditation?
–I always felt at home, being part of a community. And when I met Osho at the age of eleven, that feeling took off in an incredible way. His meditation techniques opened my being and became a great learning curve. In fact, they still are today.

– How do you see that moment now?
–Those years have made me what I am. I grew up feeling different from the other children: I was a vegetarian, chanted mantras before going to bed, wore red, and wore a mala (the Hindu rosary) to school. I never had doubts because we all felt very light, everything flowed naturally.

–And how did you decide to sing and record sacred songs?
“I just went on my way, nothing was premeditated.” Miten, my partner, introduced me to the power of music. I enjoyed making a second voice, just accompanying him in his meditations. But one day, at a festival in England, I recognized the mantra that my father often sang to me when I was a child …

“And did something wake up in you?”
Yes, it was. After that encounter, I began to look for other mantras that I had heard as a child, also those that I remembered from the Osho ashram. And that’s where all this dynamic of traveling around the world began, sharing our music and meeting wonderful people who, like us, find something very special in mantras.

The meaning of mantras

–What do mantras mean for you?
–They refresh my spirit, lift me up and give me energy, a feeling of being in the right place in my life. I think it is a similar effect to the one felt by those who share this music. I love to sing mantras because they instill in me a silence and an inner peace that I cannot find in any other way.

– Do you consider yourself a mystical person?
– The truth is that I feel very earthly. What are sometimes described as mystical experiences for me are very common situations. The silence after chanting a mantra, the feeling that my body vibrates from within … There I find my mystique!

Here you can enjoy some of his songs:

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