Poor Circulation In The Legs: How To Treat It Naturally

Poor blood circulation causes a lot of discomfort and can have serious health consequences. In addition to conventional treatments, there are ways to stimulate venous return naturally.
Bad circulation

It is estimated that some 9 million people in our country –mainly women– suffer from poor circulation in the legs. And these numbers are on the rise due to inappropriate lifestyle habits. The sedentary life and, above all, stay long hours standing favor heavy legs.

During the summer months, the symptoms are accentuated due to the heat and high atmospheric pressure, which cause inflammation and pain, especially from the knees to the feet. The traditional pharmacopoeia only gently minimizes discomfort. The background treatment of naturopathic medicine can, on the other hand, substantially improve the problem.

The risks of not treating poor leg circulation

Poor circulation in the legs can be arterial or venous, and this distinction should be made at first by a good professional.

  • Poor arterial circulation is less common, although potentially more serious because it can put the limb itself at risk : in the event of a notable obstruction of an artery, the tissues that depend on that artery become ischemic and expose the leg to gangrene.
  • The poor circulation , venous stasis is most common. You may have mild symptoms, such as skin redness, heavy legs, stinging, swelling in the area, itching, burning sensation, and pain in the ankles and feet.
  • If this situation is not remedied, over time it could become complicated in the form of varicose veins or phlebitis. The phlebitis is inflammation of one or more veins, shallow or deep. If a clot forms in an area of ​​phlebitis (thrombophlebitis), it usually does not cause symptoms other than regional pain, warmth, redness, and slight swelling in the area.
  • It is dangerous because the clot formed can travel through the cardiocirculatory system and eventually obstruct an artery far from where the clot formed. If this occurs in the brain, it is called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke, and it is serious because of the consequences it can cause and because it is potentially lethal.
  • There is a direct relationship between tired legs and varicose veins, between varicose veins and phlebitis, between phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, and between thrombophlebitis and strokes. Fortunately, this does not mean that everyone with poor leg circulation will have stroke. But they do have to do everything possible to resolve that situation.

Tired legs and poor circulation: risk factors

After clinical suspicion due to the presence of symptoms, diagnostic confirmation is always carried out through imaging (ultrasound, CT or magnetic resonance imaging). However, there are different risk factors that can lead to tired legs and other complications derived from poor blood circulation in the legs.

  • Obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle …

People who are obese, smokers, those who are sedentary or stay still for long periods of time, women who take the contraceptive pill or require hormone replacement therapy (TSH), and those with a history are at higher risk for tired legs. thrombosis relatives.

After clinical suspicion due to the presence of symptoms, diagnostic confirmation is always carried out through imaging (ultrasound, CT or magnetic resonance imaging).

  • Fluid retention

It is related to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and above all with fatigue. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, fatigue (physical or mental) can deplete the energy of the spleen, one of the organs responsible for managing body fluids, and cause edema and fluid retention. Therefore, tiredness is one of the most frequent causes.

  • The constipation

It is another fundamental factor that favors tired legs, since abdominal stagnation translates into circulatory difficulty, not only in venous return, but also in the lymphatic flow of the lower extremities. Any obstacle to the elevation of the lymph from the legs, whether due to constipation or obesity, directly affects the quality of circulation in the legs. psychological or emotional causes.

Conventional treatment for poor circulation

The venous insufficiency and surface phlebitis milder treated with general measures, such as raising legs while resting and warm compresses applied. Compression stockings also relieve pain, as do anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case of thrombophlebitis, sometimes the proposed treatment involves the surgical removal of the thrombus.

The thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the legs deserve attention and closer monitoring, given the risk involved. Conventional medicine treats them with hypocoagulant drugs that prevent the formation of thrombi.

This is the case of people who have undergone a surgical intervention and who return home with the indication to inject heparin or one of its derivatives into the belly, subcutaneously, in order to avoid the formation of thrombi. If the situation is not temporary, as occurs for example in very obese or very old people, they usually receive hypocoagulant treatment with oral drugs (Sintrom).

Along with the general measures mentioned above, the best prevention of tired legs is to exercise to maintain and improve the tone of the cardiocirculatory system. Walking is an ideal exercise and, as you gain physical shape, other more vigorous exercises can be carried out according to personal capacity, such as cycling or swimming.

On the other hand, losing weight is essential. Obese or overweight people have to work hard to stay within their ideal weight. The diet with little salt and abundant fiber not only helps in this regard but also helps in the prevention of high blood pressure.

You have to get used to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoiding alcohol or drinking it in moderation, as it has a vasodilator effect that worsens poor circulation in the legs.

Effective plants that promote circulation

Used regularly, some medicinal plants improve venous circulation in the legs (it is advisable to consult a professional before starting any treatment with plants):

  • Horse chestnut. Perhaps it is the plant that provides the most benefits. It is indicated in circulatory problems of the legs, varicose veins, swollen legs, cramps in the calves and pain and heaviness in the legs. It has an anti-inflammatory effect because it inhibits the prostaglandin-synthetase enzyme and, in addition, increases blood capillary resistance. It also has an anti-hemorrhoidal effect. Its hydroalcoholic extract is taken at a rate of 20-30 drops three times a day, and the capsules at a rate of 2 during breakfast and dinner.
  • Witch hazel Its starry flowers have astringent properties thanks to their tannin content, which promote microcirculation and thus increase the resistance of blood capillaries. It is usually taken 2 capsules with each meal.
  • Rusco. Contains saponoside esters with vasoconstrictive and anti-oedematous action. Its rutoside content improves the resistance of the capillaries. 2 capsules are taken with each meal.
  • Red vine. It is rich in tannins and anthocyanins, which decrease the permeability of blood capillaries and thus increase their resistance. In addition, it is astringent and vasoconstrictive, and favors venous return. 2 capsules are taken with each meal. Apart from the tablets, there are ointments, ointments and gels that combine these plants.

Yoga to improve venous return

Lying on your back, raise your legs and back to the vertical position with the help of your arms (bend your elbows and press your back with your palms). This pose is called the Sarvangasana or the candle. Rest the legs, the internal organs and tones the endocrine system.

Once there, bring your legs behind your head to horizontal and perform scissor movements trying to touch the ground with the tips of your feet. Return to the original position with your legs towards the sky, stay like this for a few moments and slowly lower yourself to the ground. The benefits on the legs are immediately noticeable.

Benefits of cold water to treat tired legs

At this time of year it is advisable to finish the morning shower with a jet of cold water on the legs and repeat the same operation at night before dinner.

Before applying an ointment that stimulates venous return, it is advisable to take a fresh, short-term local shower, always running down the legs. Also, when applying the ointment, always massage the legs from the bottom up, from the ankle to the middle leg.

After application, it is advisable to rest for a few minutes in a horizontal position with your legs slightly elevated.

8 tips to activate circulation in the legs

  1. Avoid standing for too long, or alternating the elevation of one foot and the other with the help of a small stool. You can also walk short stretches vigorously.
  2. Clothing that is too tight should be avoided, especially girdles and tight socks.
  3. When you get home you can rest your legs by lying on your back and bending your knees at right angles with the help of pillows. If you also perform a few movements as if you were pedaling with your legs up, so much the better.
  4. Sleeping with your legs slightly elevated relieves heaviness. They can be raised with pillows or elevate the foot of the bed with wooden blocks from 10 to 20 cm.
  5. Avoid heat in the legs, as well as saunas, prolonged sun exposures, hot waxing, etc.
  6. Wear comfortable shoes that allow the sole of the foot to flex when walking. Avoid clothing and shoes that are too tight.
  7. If you have to travel by plane or take long trips by car, remember to make movements with your legs to activate circulation.
  8. Walking along the shore of the beach or a river provides great benefit because by producing vasoconstriction it reduces inflammation, edema, local heat and therefore pain in the legs.

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