Papaya And A Cleansing Diet Improve Your Skin

Thanks to its high amount of water and nutrients, papaya helps you detoxify from the inside and can even be applied directly to the skin. Find out how.
Papaya halved

The skin is one of the most important waste disposal organs in the body. Through it, mainly through sweat, toxic substances that are produced in the same body are excreted along with others that are incorporated from the outside. Many of the diseases that we call “skin” (eczema, acne, psoriasis …) are expressions of our inner state. It is for this reason that the state of the skin reflects the health of the person and why most treatments to improve its appearance take into account lifestyle habits, especially those related to nutrition and hydration.

The effect of a detoxifying diet

A cleansing, detoxifying diet cleanses the body of impurities, both at the level of internal and external tissues. Since any cleansing diet provides a high content of liquids to help the dragging of toxins and their elimination through the kidneys, it also constitutes an excellent source of skin hydration, essential for healthy skin.

Moisturizing creams that are applied externally do not work by themselves if they are not accompanied by a correct intake of fluids. Eliminating chronic constipation as a source of internal toxins is also a priority.

Caring for the skin correctly

It is good to remember that the skin, the envelope that protects us, also receives a large amount of substances and toxic particles from the outside that are deposited on it. This is the case of dust, fumes from cars and chimneys, the remains of pesticides that travel suspended in the air …

It is necessary to maintain good skin hygiene. It is advisable to substitute chemical soaps or creams for natural products that do not damage the protective covering of the skin, and to use a brush with natural bristles or a horsehair glove from time to time to remove dead cells and rejuvenate it.

The properties of papaya

Due to its high percentage of water (89%) and its nutritional composition, especially for its richness in provitamin A (beta-carotene), papaya is included among the foods that are recommended (especially fruits and vegetables) to perform a purification when a person has a skin problem.

Papaya can also be used occasionally as an exfoliating agent. A piece of it is split and applied to the surface of the skin, making circular movements. Then it is rinsed under the shower water.

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