“Orderly Water – H3O2 – Is Powerful Medicine”

Gerald H. Pollack is a biomedical engineer and one of the best connoisseurs of the secrets of water. It explains to us what are the healthy properties of the “fourth state of water”.

Gerald H. Pollack, bioengineer and professor at the University of Washington (Seattle, United States), states in his book The Fourth Phase of Water (Ed. Ebner & Sons) that water has a fourth state, in addition to the solid, the liquid and soda.

It appears where liquid water comes into contact with a hydrophilic surface (most are), acquiring a much more orderly structure and negative charge.

H3O2 is found at the edges of any volume of water, but the proportions vary. Pollack ensures that H3O2 water favors the correct functioning of all the cells of the body, explains the healthy effects of some waters and, in part, of the fruits and vegetables that contain it.

He is convinced that this type of water will one day be able to cure certain pathologies and even slow down aging.

Gerald H. Pollack assures that “charged” or “ordered” water improves the functioning of the whole organism

– What led you to start your research on water molecules?
– I was studying the functioning of the musculature. The theory that explains the contraction of muscles only considers contractile proteins as force producers. However, two thirds of our weight is water. Due to the small size of the water molecules, 99% of the molecules are H2O in muscles. I asked myself: why do we ignore 99% of muscle molecules when explaining how they work? It seems very unreasonable.

–And what role does water play in our muscles and in our body?
–Our cells are full of macromolecules, basically proteins, around which there is water. These proteins have a hydrophilic surface, with which H2O, when it comes into contact with this surface, reorganizes itself as H3O2. These macromolecules are responsible for all the functions that the cell carries out. Each of them is associated with this “ordered water”, acting with it in unison. They are inseparable. Each muscle protein involved in the production of force is bound to water and its action occurs precisely because they are together.

– And all this we did not know?
-No. To understand each of the biological processes, water must be taken into account. Science has reduced the study of the cell to its parts, and to the parts of its parts, and, focusing on those parts, it has forgotten that the cell is filled with water.

–So providing the body with “ordered water” or does H3O2 improve the functions of each cell?
– Without a doubt, drinking water is good for your health, as has been known for years. There is a magnificent book entitled: You are not sick, you are thirsty. It is from Dr. F. Batmanghelidj who studied how prisoners in Iran’s prisons survived and were cured simply by water. Explain that no matter what illness you have, drink plenty of water. But I think that if you drink H3O2 or loaded water it is even healthier because it rehydrates the cells even more quickly than ordinary water. We do not have complete evidence that drinking H302 is healthy, but many such elements seem to indicate this. Cells are packed with proteins and other macromolecules, so there is almost no room for anything else inside them, even water has little room. Thus, any water molecule is very close to the surface of these macromolecules, with which they become H3O2. Cells contain a large amount of H3O2. Therefore, providing H3O2 so that our cells fill more with this “charged water” will help them perform their functions. Aging implies great dehydration and loss of H3O2.

“Cells contain a lot of H3O2. So providing H3O2 so that our cells fill up more of this ‘charged water’ will help them perform their functions.”

– And what happens specifically?
– Proteins require “charged water” around to function, otherwise the muscles weaken, the brain tires sooner and the nerves lose sensitivity. It is important that as we age we drink more water, especially “charged water” to replace that which the cells no longer have. And although this is not always accepted by biologists, I believe that the power of this type of water lies in its negative charge.

“And do you have proof that H3O2 could become a medicine?”
–Water has been known as a remedy for thousands of years and there are a lot of examples of long-lived people who have maintained their health thanks to taking certain types. Independent research is required for studies to spark confidence, but I am convinced that charged water will be a powerful medicine. One of my colleagues has sent me reports of the effects of a kind of water capable of curing kidney patients undergoing dialysis and reversing melanoma. She is from Bulgaria, a country well known for its medicinal waters.

– What water do you drink?
– (laughs) I can’t tell you what water to drink. At first, many companies offered us money to drink and support their water, but I said no to all of them. My wife replied, “How stupid! Why don’t we drink them all?” And that’s what we do. We drink high pH water or Patrick Flanagan’s mega hydrogenated water, “vortex water” for example. We have tasted many different types of waters and rotate them, which keeps us healthy. But I can’t say which one is the best.

– What can we do so that the running water acquires that order?
–Mineral salts (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium) can be added to the water, this helps the formation of H3O2, according to our studies. We have also seen that higher pressure favors this change in the state of the water. We have verified this experimentally and it is a fact in favor of water from underground deposits. Many people drink alkaline water or ionized water. This water has a high pH and a high negative charge. We need this negative charge to live healthy. This can be a good choice that, like the others, should be investigated.

–What else can we do to increase the H3O2 in our bodies?
–Walking barefoot on the beach is a nice feeling, right? The reason is that you absorb the negative charge from the earth. Your body needs that charge, the same charge that H3O2 provides. Negative charge and H3O2 are the same. This negative charge restores body functions, which can be achieved by walking barefoot on the beach or bathing in mud. Both methods are effective. So is the sauna. It is considered good for your health because of the heat, but the heat is infrared radiation that is also capable of creating H3O2. When we enter the sauna we hydrate ourselves, even if we sweat to satiety.

“The negative charge and the H3O2 are the same. This negative charge restores the functions of the body, which can be achieved by walking barefoot on the beach or bathing in mud.”

–Some doctors recommend drinking the water from the melted snow in the mountains.
“I think it’s good advice.” The reason is that this frozen water turns into H3O2 when it melts. So it makes sense.

– Some of these tips are typical of naturopathic medicine.
–I have spoken with specialists in alternative medicine who prescribe juices to their patients to regulate their body. They claim that people who follow this advice are much healthier than those who don’t. When you eat a fresh apple, for example, it contains cells similar to your cells, full of charged water, therefore you are “eating” H3O2. We have evidence that these juices are the same as the water present in cells. So both when you eat fruits and vegetables and juices you are ingesting H3O2.

– Is there much still to discover about water?
-Most! I conducted a survey among my colleagues at the University of Washington to ask what percentage they thought we knew of all the fundamental knowledge that would need to be had. I was surprised. Some said: two thirds, 60%, 80% … and quite a few answered that we only knew 1%. I have enough experience in science to identify for myself dozens of areas where accepted knowledge does not fit the evidence and can later be shown to be wrong. I also know of very promising ideas to bridge some gaps, so my answer would also be that we know less than 1%. We think we know a lot because it gives us security, but in reality it is not like that.

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