Natural Juices, What Fruits And Vegetables Can I Use?

Juicing fruits and vegetables is a great way to take care of yourself. We discover its qualities and the different extractors.
fruits for juices

Vegetable juices are one of the options proposed by naturism to help fight, in a gentle way, different imbalances in our body.

Taking fresh vegetables in the form of juice or juice also has other advantages : they are easy to make at home, they have a pleasant taste, we can adapt them to our tastes and needs, they have practically no contraindications.

The diabetic should restrict fruits, but almost no vegetables. People with liver or kidney conditions have to consult with their doctor about the amount of potassium they can consume, since it is very present in vegetables.

The 8 fruits that cannot be missing in your natural juices

All fruits contain beneficial substances, but here we highlight those that are often used in juice therapy. Choose according to your tastes and seasonality.


It is the queen of juices, due to its sweetness and pectin content, which regulates constipation and diarrhea, and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides. It contains the antibiotic phloretin and quercetin, which may prevent lung cancer.


Its anthocyanins, flavanols, coenzymes and cinnamates are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. All these compounds prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins of cholesterol (reduce their harmfulness).


It is rich in vitamins of group B and C, citric and malic acids, magnesium, iron and sulfur. Due to the bromelain content, which degrades proteins, it is indicated after large meals and in liver or pancreas disorders.


It is one of the richest fruits in provitamin A and for this reason it has been used in skin conditions and to prevent macular degeneration of the retina. It also reduces cholesterol. Its magnificent flavor combines with any ingredient.


It is a champion in vitamin C and also in actinidain, an enzyme that improves the digestion of proteins in a similar way to papain in papaya. Its antioxidants prevent degenerative diseases and cancer.


Excellent for the morning, pleasant and rich in hesperidin and vitamin C. It stimulates the immune system, protects blood vessels and prevents cancer. People with a deficit of the gallbladder can digest it poorly.


It has been used classically as a source of vitamin C and to prevent colds. It is anti-inflammatory, diuretic and improves circulation. Diluted in water, it is an excellent cleansing, vitamin and anti-arthritic refreshment.


It is very effective against deficiencies of the venous system. Recommended in arthritis, gastrointestinal, kidney and urinary disorders. Improves visual acuity and prevents macular degeneration. Diabetics can drink the juice.

Dare vegetables in juices!

The garden products, in addition to offering unique nutraceuticals, help the juices not provide excess sugar that raises blood glucose.

Vegetables are low in calories and provide detoxifying capacity.


It is the wild card that combines perfectly with fruits and vegetables. It is antidegenerative and preventive of cancer, especially lung cancer. In my opinion, the basic juice is apple and carrot.


In addition to water (95% of its weight) it contains an alkaloid called fisetin that improves memory and mental alertness. It is a refreshing food in every way, with a certain anti-inflammatory activity.


The purple color is due to its betaine content with anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves fat metabolism. Due to its richness in nitrogen, pregnant women and children should not abuse it.


It is recommended when we have a cough and bronchial conditions, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and as an appetite stimulant. Use in less quantity than the rest of juices so that their flavor does not dominate too much.


They contain vitamin C, calcium, iron and especially sulfur compounds that stimulate the liver. It prevents cancer, diabetes, constipation and especially respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis.


It is recommended as a diuretic and in the treatment of kidney stones and hypertension. Regulates menstruation and improves fluid retention. But the most curious and little known thing is that it has a discreet aphrodisiac effect.


It has a large amount of vitamin C –50 g provide all you need per day– and beta-carotene. It is excellent for opening the appetite and regulating digestion. It prevents anemia, relieves urine infections and stimulates the immune system.


Protects the heart, reduces hypertension, cholesterol and sugar levels. One tooth per person is more than enough. You can blend it with the rest of the ingredients or crush it and add it.

How to choose the best juice maker?

To extract the juice of fruits and vegetables there are a variety of machines with different technologies and different prices.

Cold press, slow extractors

Slow or cold press extractors only “chew” the product in a pressure screw and offer a fresher and more nutritious juice.

The quality of a cold press extractor depends, among other factors, on the size, whether it has one or two propellers (these extract more juice), the ease of cleaning and functions such as the possibility of reversing (to solve blockages) or regulate the output of the pulp (to include it in the juice).

The materials should be resistant and free of toxins that can contaminate the juice. Look for bisphenol (BPA) free machines like those with Tritan plastic. There are machines in which all the parts are made of steel.

Glass blenders

Glass blenders allow you to take advantage of all the fiber in fruits and vegetables. Those with the highest power (from 700 watts) offer a finer texture. Choose it with a crystal glass.

Centrifugal blenders

Centrifuges are the classic blenders that separate the juice from the fiber through a filter that rotates at high speed, but the friction causes an increase in temperature that alters the properties and flavor of the juice.

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