Loneliness Can Also Be An Opportunity

Learning to enjoy moments without company is essential to enjoy them and take advantage of them. They are an unbeatable opportunity to get inspired and get to know each other.
Enjoy solitude

In a world with an excess of information that invites dispersion, loneliness allows one to concentrate on the inside, on what is important to each one, on projects and frustrations.

Solitude is needed to value the past, the possibilities of growth that have been had, and also to project the present and the future.

It helps us to see our weak points and the resources that we have. We realize what life we ​​lead, what our cages, dependencies and easements are.

In that aspect, loneliness is illuminating, transparent. It is the basis of self-knowledge.

To be alone, or to feel alone?

A distinction must be made between physical loneliness and emotional loneliness. You can be isolated in a mountain refuge and feel accompanied by having other people present.

Physical loneliness sometimes connects us to others on a deep level. In it, great ideas arise, the great creations of literature, art, music … And many of the mysteries related in religions were raised in physical solitude, but at the same time in the experience of connecting with something that was already there. there.

What elevates and makes that connection useful in solitude is being understood and accepted by communicating it. If not, it can be unpleasant and lead to insanity and marginalization.

Facing loneliness when we don’t want it

Sometimes loneliness comes suddenly, forced, traumatic, with the disappearance of a loved one. After these experiences, you are no longer the same: a veil has been broken.

Other times it is brought by isolation, apathy, sadness, depression, marginalization … physical, emotional or social barriers that are difficult to overcome.

Loneliness marginalizes and separates from others, but it also helps to set limits and value relationships.

This loneliness has to be lived and suffered so that it can become a desire to live and to relate in a different way with oneself, so that new perspectives can be acquired and new links established.

Recommendations to learn to enjoy solitude

  • Find moments for solitude, contemplation or meditation, trying to stop mental activity and feel integrated into what you are doing, and let yourself be surprised: by a tree, a bird, a noise …
  • Sometimes you can’t stand being alone for an entire afternoon and looking for links, browsing, finding a friend on the internet … It is important to become aware of this communicative need and of all that communication and loneliness provide.

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