Itching And Irritation In Spring: They Have A Solution!

Feeling vaginal discomfort at this time of year is more common than we think and is often due to imbalances in the bacterial flora. Some measures help to combat them without resorting to drugs.
Itching and irritation due to imbalance in the vaginal flora

If in spring you feel vaginal discomfort, sometimes itchy and sometimes irritated, or with both symptoms at the same time, the problem may be what is known as vaginal dysbacteriosis. Sometimes women who suffer from this dysbacteriosis also get small rashes on the skin.

These symptoms are common in this time of change and hatching, the time of year when cleaning tasks in the body are reactivated with more force.

Vaginal discomfort from a bacterial imbalance

To understand why these symptoms usually appear in spring, it must first be taken into account that there are two times in the year when the body catches up on pending tasks : in spring and in autumn.

In autumn, the forces go inwards, they are internalized, and that is why depressive crises are reactivated so frequently. In spring, the forces and energies go outwards and allergies, itching or itching appear. On the mental plane, there is a reactivation of unresolved emotional memories, usually in the form of anxiety attacks.

We speak of dysbacteriosis when there is an alteration in the bacterial flora, which in addition to bacteria can include other microorganisms: fungi, viruses, yeasts …

In the spring hatching, in this tendency to externalize, the body tries to eliminate toxins and for this it removes deposits and discharges waste into the blood and mesenchyme, the extracellular fluid that connects blood, organs and cells.

This slightly acidifies the internal environment and favors the growth of certain microorganisms so that they can carry out cleaning tasks. Itching, irritation and inflammation may appear in some areas of the skin and vagina.

How to relieve itching and irritation

I recommend not acting forcefully with suppressive drugs such as antibiotics and corticosteroids, as the body has its own mechanisms of regulation and balance.

To aid these regulatory mechanisms, it may be helpful to try the following strategies:

  • Use a fast or gentle cleansing diet.
  • To enhance the effect of fasting or diet, accompany them with homeopathic medicines or plants that help cleanse the liver, kidney and lymphatic systems. Plants like green nettle and dandelion will help with intestinal cleansing.
  • You can also perform vaginal washes with bicarbonated water to alkalize the pH and help balance the flora.
  • Repopulate the vaginal flora with probiotic vaginal ovules. There are women who do it with vaginal applications of yogurt or goat kefir.
  • At the same time and for a time afterwards, it is important that you strengthen the intestinal flora by taking probiotic foods such as chukrut or miso.

If you also have a skin rash …

You can also resort to the Shank Prakshalana technique , a yogic intestinal cleansing technique.

This technique is done in the morning. Warm water with sea salt is drunk while performing a series of movements and asanas.

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