How To Treat The Flu With Natural Means

Strengthening the body and treating the flu with effective natural remedies is the best way to pass it without resorting to medications with side effects.
Cup of infusion with lemon

The flu is one of the best known viral diseases, and like all of them, it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. Now, there are home remedies that help to pass it and overcome it in a healthy way.

Is it necessary to get a flu shot?

Officially, it is recommended to get vaccinated if you belong to a risk group, such as those over 65 years of age and those who suffer or have suffered from significant lung conditions, especially after having had the flu.

But many people reject it, claiming it causes flu symptoms. In fact, it is a highly questioned vaccine, both for this reason and because of doubts about its efficacy.

The effectiveness of the influenza vaccine is usually estimated between 40 and 65%; that is to say, in one out of every two or three cases the efficacy is doubtful, and in 10% of the cases it produces flu-like symptoms in the person.

If you do contract the flu, think that passing it is one of the best ways to get vaccinated, since a resistance to suffering from it is preserved for about four years, until the virus has mutated enough so that the body does not recognize it.

How do I treat the flu?

The flu usually manifests with a stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, headache, bone pain, fever, or chills. To reduce its intensity and duration, and to prevent complications, you can resort to the following measures.

  • One option is the anti-flu, but I do not recommend it: they only turn off the symptoms to continue with the daily frenzy, even if the body asks us otherwise: to stop.
  • Zinc. This mineral appears to reduce the duration and complications of influenza, possibly because it prevents the replication of rhinoviruses. It can be taken in the form of a tablet or syrup, and also in gargles or nasal spray.
  • Vitamin C. Best of natural origin, such as that contained in fruits or berries. In addition, before the habitual reluctance of fever, it feels very good to consume more fruit. Orange juice, blueberries and other berries, strawberries, grapes … and rose hip infusion are suitable. You can also take vitamin C supplements. It does not cure, but it stimulates the defenses quickly. Berries, in addition to vitamin C, contain polyphenols with a certain antiviral action.
  • Pectoral infusion. Prepare an infusion with thyme, willow, mallow and violet, and sweeten it with honey by adding a dash of lemon. You can take this infusion three or four times a day as an ideal natural treatment for the flu without complications.
  • Hydrate well. Drink water or infusions to improve elimination by the kidneys and, especially, to avoid a dry cough without mucus. Water is purifying and sometimes, in a flu process, it is the only thing that enters us. Don’t worry if you eat little; this is also a response of the body to the feverish process.
  • Take honey. It has pectoral and antimicrobial action, is effective at all ages and can be consumed from twelve months of age. One way to consume it is to dissolve it in hot water or an infusion. A dash of lemon goes great to complete the therapeutic effect.
  • Echinacea. It is ideal for preventing colds and flu, not so much for treating them. Take 1 box (3 capsules a day for 10 days) when winter arrives, as protection and stimulation of defenses.
  • Garlic. Expectorant and with a certain anti-infective effect. The best way to take it is raw, 1 clove a day. Garlic soups retain expectorant power (not anti-infective)
  • Rest well. The body usually tells us very well what to do, and in the face of fever, headache and cough, it asks us to rest. It is very important to pass the flu with the least possible effects.

Avoid complications

The flu is a common process, but sometimes it gets complicated. In these cases we must go to the doctor, especially if we suffer from these symptoms:

  • Congestion of two or more weeks, with subsequent aggravation.
  • Severe symptoms: pain, fever, greenish expectoration.
  • Dyspnea: shortness of breath, you are out of breath.
  • Children up to three months, pregnant, seniors over 75 years old or with previous respiratory disease should see a doctor from the first moment.

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