How To Make An Aromatic Vinegar With Linden Flowers And Elderberry

In summer you can collect the spectacular flowers of linden and elder trees and make a delicious homemade vinegar with them.

A vinegar with linden and elder flowers , which bloom in summer, brings summery freshness to your salads and also has healing properties.

It is very simple to make and a nice present to take when you are invited to a summer meal outdoors.

The fragrant flowers of linden and elderberry

• Linden trees are considered sacred trees in many places. In the villages, celebrations were held in its shade and even today in many places they are planted in the center of the villages next to the chapels. They were important protective trees against spells and diseases.

The smell of linden has a calming power and can help depressives. The flowers are known for their calming effects. They also help sweat and improve symptoms of colds.

The flowers give a subtle and elegant aroma to vinegars and syrups.

• The black elderberry was formerly a very important shrub both for the house and for the farm.

It was the home of the earth goddess and had to protect from lightning and fire, as well as disease.

Both its white flowers and its black berries are good for strengthening the immune system. With its sweet flowers vinegars, muffins, syrups or sweet breads are prepared.

Nor should it be missing in a cold infusion mix .

Harvesting linden and elder flowers

It is best to pick the flowers in clusters when they are fully open, since these are the most aromatic. Elderberries are found on the edges of roads that run through forests.

The elderflower flowers are harvested in whole umbels and the linden flowers in clusters. Linden trees can be found in towns and parks.

Always harvest dried flowers or allow them to dry completely if they are still damp from dew or rain.

Preparation of flower vinegar

Its preparation is simple, it requires few ingredients and utensils that are found in almost every home:

  • 400 ml of organic white vinegar
  • 1 jar with a sanitized screw cap
  • 1 hand of linden blossoms
  • 1 hand of elderflower


  1. Cut the flowers into small pieces and place them in the jar
  2. Cover them completely with the vinegar.
  3. Close the jar and let it marinate for three weeks at room temperature. Shake the jar at least once each day.
  4. After the maceration time, strain the vinegar and store it in a disinfected bottle.

In this simple way you can make an authentic premium vinegar that will delight your guests.

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