How To Dry Pumpkin Seeds At Home

You can easily roast and dry them to enjoy in countless dishes. In addition, they help to improve many ailments, both chronic and acute.
How to roast pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin obtained the famous pumpkin seeds which, besides being a tasty snack, treasure nutrients essential for prostate and defenses, such as zinc and vitamin E.

Like other oilseeds, they are high in fat (45 percent), making them somewhat caloric (162 calories per 30-gram serving), but mostly healthy fats. It is not surprising that an exquisite oil is obtained from them.

A few seeds very rich in minerals

The ration of 30 grams provides 45% of the magnesium and the phosphorus that are needed for the day, 25% of the iron, 15% of the zinc and 14% of vitamin E.

But in addition to being very nutritious, they are ideal to give color and a crunchy touch to vegetable creams, salads and breads.

Although they are easily toasted already, you can toast them yourself at home. This way you won’t have to waste them when you buy pumpkins and you can enjoy them fresher.

The tricks to dry them at home

  1. Empty the pumpkin with your hand or a spoon, remove the pipes and wash them under the tap, rubbing them to remove the fiber well.
  2. Drain them well and pat them dry or, if you want them more crisp, let them soak for 8 hours in salted water.
  3. To toast in the oven, spread out on a greased or parchment-lined cookie sheet, salt or garnish, and bake at 180 to 200 ° C until golden brown, stirring every 5 minutes.

How to prevent intestinal parasites and other pumpkin seed ailments

By Rosa Guerrero, naturopath

Pumpkin seeds and their oil provide vitamin E, linoleic acid, zinc and iron, as well as cucurbitin, with emollient, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic properties.

They are useful in acute and chronic problems such as:

  • Prostatic hyperplasia. They prevent the enlargement of the prostate and deflate the bladder, which facilitates urination. It is common to find them in compound presentations in capsules or tablets, combined with other substances to regulate prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Intestinal parasites. They are immobilized, including the tapeworm; That is why they are usually included in deworming products and when they are released from the intestinal wall they can be expelled with a mild laxative.
  • Cholesterol and high blood pressure. Its fatty acids help regulate cholesterol and protect the heart.
  • Respiratory conditions. They help dissolve mucus in bronchitis.
  • Fluid retention. They act as a mild diuretic.
  • Skin problems Vitamins A and E, zinc, and fatty acids improve some skin conditions.

How are they taken

They should be eaten fresh or dried, but always raw. They can be taken alone, ground or mixed with honey.

One to two tablespoons of seeds per day is enough to control chronic conditions. In acute cases, such as intestinal infestation, they can increase to six.

In case of parasites, take a daily tablespoon of seeds on an empty stomach until they disappear.

For tapeworms, take two tablespoons with honey on an empty stomach, another two in the afternoon and two more at night, without eating other foods.

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