Healthy Summer With Homeopathy: The Basic Remedies

Dizziness, poisoning, bumps, otitis, stings and other typical summer conditions can be treated with homeopathic formulas.

In summer we usually enjoy our vacations, and it is not uncommon to leave our treasured yearnings for this period. A time that invites you to relax and also to discover new places.

But summer can also sometimes bring us health alterations precisely related to these changes in habits, or due to the characteristics of the season.

The perfect homeopathic remedies for traveling

It is often said that homeopathy does not treat diseases but patients, since in the consultation we usually individualize the medicine for each person according to their characteristics of physical, mental and emotional expression.

However, it is also very true that, among the many homeopathic drugs, there are some that are frequently used in the face of acute and common symptoms. It is well known, for example, the rapid action of Arnica Montana when a severe contusion occurs.

In the event of a fall or a bruise, the use of this homeopathically dynamic plant will not only reduce pain but will also favor the reabsorption of the hematoma.

The best, prevention

If we want a pleasant vacation free from ailments, as or more important than the first-aid kit will be the preparation of the trip also from a health point of view. The prevention of possible alterations starts from knowing and listening to oneself.

Everyone knows what their predispositions and their weak points are. If the climatic, altitude or country changes are going to be noticeable, a prior consultation with a trusted doctor is always advisable. It is very important that the starting point is health itself, since the best way to avoid problems is to ensure an optimal physical and mental balance.

The basic remedies for the medicine cabinet

The basic homeopathic medicines that this kit should contain, as well as their main indications, are described below. Everyone can choose the most common situations that are usually found at this time of year and thus prioritize the choice of some of them and act accordingly.

The basic guidelines for these homeopathic medicines are:

  • The 30CH dilution is the most indicated in each of the situations.
  • The appropriate frequency will be the necessary according to the intensity of the symptoms.
  • In a very acute situation, 3 sublingual granules are usually prescribed every hour or two, but the most important thing is to space the dose when the signs and symptoms gradually improve.

Here is the list of homeopathic medicines that cannot be missing in your travel kit:

1. Aconitum Napellus

Indicated for:

  • High fever and sudden onset, with great restlessness.
  • Sudden flu states.
  • Consequences derived from having suffered a fright or a strong emotional impression, which leaves the affected person in a state of shock.
  • If you have been exposed to cold (intense air conditioning) and in particular to dry cold that is felt abruptly throughout the body.
  • It can be used preventively for people who have a panic about flying.

2. Allium Cepa

Indicated for:

  • Colds in their earliest stage, with watery nasal mucus, sneezing and itchy eyes that water profusely.

It is a suitable medicine when the state that appears reminds of the seconds after having cut onions with stinging in the eyes.

3. Apis Mellifica

Indicated for:

  • Insect, wasp or mosquito bites that leave a red and hot halo, with a burning sensation, a lot of swelling and itching, which improves with the cold.
  • Symptoms of allergic inflammatory reactions that affect mucous membranes, such as the glottis.
  • Burns from sun exposure.

4. Arnica Montana

Indicated for:

  • Bumps, bruises, or bruises.
  • A bruised or sore feeling that occurs after strenuous physical activity or from walking or standing all day.
  • Prevent and avoid the effect of jetlag.

A characteristic symptom of those who need this medicine is the perception that the bed where they rest is too hard.

5. Arsenicum Album

Indicated for:

  • Diarrhea from bad food poisoning. Very liquid stools that can be accompanied by vomiting, and that are characterized by great prostration and a generalized state of anxiety.

An exasperating concern for one’s own state is also very significant (despite great fatigue, one cannot be still and one cannot stop thinking that something very serious is happening).

6. Belladonna

Indicated for:

  • Gradual onset high fever, with a flushed face and clammy skin.
  • In the initial phase of pharyngeal or otological inflammatory processes, with a throbbing sensation on the affected area.
  • Sunstroke, heat stroke and burns from prolonged sun exposure.
  • Congestive states, with a great sensation of heat and reddened skin, with throbbing headache and dilated pupils.

7. Bryonia Alba

Indicated for:

  • Relieves stabbing pains that require complete rest (physical and mental) and that worsen after the slightest movement (including coughing, breathing or opening the eyes).

8. Calendula Officinalis

Indicated for:

  • It is basically administered topically for the disinfection of superficial wounds.
  • Useful with scratches or blisters from new shoes or long journeys.

It has a great healing power.

9. Cantharis Vesicatoria

Indicated for:

  • Contact burns that generate blisters or vesicles, with hypersensitivity and a characteristic burning pain in the entire affected area.
  • Urinary tract infections with a burning sensation during urination and a desire to urinate again very often.

10. Causticum

Indicated for:

  • For aphonia caused by exposure to cold and dry wind.

11. Coca

Indicated for:

  • Manage it (even preventively) in the face of altitude sickness.

12. Hepar Sulfur

Indicated for:

  • Acute suppurative processes, when pus is formed and visible. It helps to drain or reabsorb it.

13. Hypericum Perforatum

Indicated for:

  • Trauma that affects the nervous territory, pain due to crushing of a nerve.

14. Ledum Pallustre

Indicated for:

  • It has a good indication for insect bites, basically mosquitoes. The main difference with Apis is that in this case the inflammatory reaction is not so hot.
  • For sprains or minor trauma to the eye area.

15. Mercurius Solubilis

Indicated for:

  • For inflammations of infectious origin, mainly if purulent formation is appreciated. The characteristics for its administration are: stabbing pain in the affected area, reddened mucosa that gives off a lot of heat.
  • It is frequently prescribed in pultaceous pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • It helps in pain symptoms due to cavities, especially if it is accentuated at night and is accompanied by a lot of salivation and unpleasant breath.
  • To relieve gingivitis, stomatitis and canker sores.

16. Nux Vomica

Indicated for:

  • Heavy digestions from excessive meals or after abusive alcohol intake. What determines its prescription is fundamentally the feeling of satiety after ingestion.

Of great help for people with constipation during travel, especially if they are easily irritable and stressed individuals.

17. Rhus Toxicodendron

Indicated for:

  • For muscle or joint pain that progressively improves with movement.
  • Very useful in outbreaks of herpes simplex (in summer its labial location is frequent).
  • Highly effective for paintings derived from exposure to moisture.

Prevent summer conditions in children

Without being ailments typical of summer, it is true that children are more affected by otitis, summer diarrhea or molluscum contagiosum.

The most common dilution is 30CH. By using lower dilutions, which means less homeopathic effect, the frequency can be shortened.

External otitis

They are infections of the external auditory canal, the canal that connects the eardrum with the pinna. External otitis are related to contact with moisture, and usually require local treatment (70% boric alcohol).

An advisable medicine in these cases is Pulsatilla, which is widely used in homeopathy for its sedative and analgesic properties.

Summer diarrhea

Symptoms of gastroenteritis or episodes of sudden and intense diarrhea caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites from foods that spoil easily are frequent .

Depending on the characteristics of this ailment, in addition to maintaining an astringent diet and drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, the following homeopathic remedies can help: Aloe, Arsenicum Album, Cambogia or Podophyllum.

Molluscum contagiosum

The molluscum contagiosum ( Molluscum contagiosum ) is a viral disease which occurs in the form of excrescences on the skin. It occurs more frequently in young children and causes circular papules with sharp edges, which cause severe itching.

Although it can occur anywhere on the body, it is more common on the face and neck, armpits, arms and abdomen. The most common remedies for this ailment are Thuja Occidentalis and Dulcamara.

5 homeopathic remedies to combat motion sickness

The dizziness that occurs during the displacement of a trip can negatively influence its development. Signs of motion sickness (” motion sickness “) or traveler’s dizziness are disparate: paleness, cold sweats, rapid heart rate, headache, or nausea that can lead to vomiting.

To be effective, the remedy should be fully adapted to the presenting characteristics of dizziness.

Directions for taking these medications for motion sickness:

  • You can take 3 granules, which are left to melt in the mouth, half an hour before starting the trip.
  • The intake is repeated every hour or as necessary.
  • The most common dilution is 30CH. At lower dilutions, which means less homeopathic effect, the frequency between feedings can be reduced.

Here is the list of homeopathic medicines that can help you against motion sickness:

1. Cocculus Indicus

Indicated for when dizziness occurs in a car or boat, accompanied by great weakness and a deep disgust for food. It is usually accompanied by easy vomiting with a lot of salivation. Dizziness improves when you close your eyes.

It also helps improve jetlag.

2. Petroleum

Indicated for seasickness in boats, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. It is usually accompanied by weakness and vertigo that is aggravated by standing or by strong odors.

3. Tabacum

Indicated for seasickness in the car and boat, with paleness and cold sweating. You feel a great desire to be outdoors and it improves when you close your eyes. Tobacco smoke makes it worse.

4. Conium

Indicated for boat sickness that improves when closing the eyes, but worsens lying down or with descending movements.

5. Borax

Indicated for motion sickness on the plane, caused by a sudden downward or falling movement. It is usually associated with panic and great discomfort.

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