Goodbye Halitosis, Welcome Fresh Breath

We can mask it with some products, but halitosis is a sign that something is wrong in our oral hygiene or even in the body.
Natural remedies against bad breath

The bad breath or halitosis can affect anyone and generate problems of acceptance and social integration. It has a high prevalence in the general population, without differences due to socio-economic position.

It is estimated, in fact, that more than 50% of people suffer from it at some point in their life. Halitosis is common when waking up in the morning, as the structures of the mouth have been at rest for several hours and the production of saliva has been low. smelling bacteria.

What Causes Bad Breath or Halitosis?

There are many products for halitosis on the market , such as scented gums, rinses or devices to detect bad breath.

But it is convenient to go to the root : the bacteria that generate it. Millions of them exist in the mouth, and some can live and multiply without oxygen. These bacteria, called anaerobes, feed on the proteins we consume and release sulfurous compounds ( putrescine and cadaverine ) that cause bad odor, as they are expelled with the exhaled air.

These bacteria hide in food debris trapped between the teeth and on the back of the tongue, where there is less saliva.

Factors that, therefore, favor halitosis are:

  • Deep cavities that retain food in them.
  • Periodontal or gum disease, sometimes unnoticed.
  • Dirty tongue, which is as important to brush as your teeth.
  • Dentures and ill – fitting dentures.
  • Lack of saliva from taking antidepressant medication or other causes.
  • Other less frequent factors can be rhinitis, sinusitis or chronic tonsillitis, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcer, diabetes, a high protein diet … Coffee and alcohol, garlic or onion type foods and prolonged fasting can also cause it.

Keys to combat halitosis

To say goodbye to bad breath you can pay more attention to some hygiene and eating habits.

Clean your teeth after every meal, including the interdental spaces with dental floss. Don’t forget to brush the back of the tongue as well.

Avoid high protein diets, habits such as coffee, alcohol and tobacco, and highly spicy foods. If you eat garlic, you can combine it with parsley to avoid bad breath.

Eat plenty of fresh salads rich in chlorophyll, with foods like parsley, celery, mint or avocado. And something no less important: drink enough water throughout the day.

Rinse yourself with water and a teaspoon of baking soda before going to bed. Throughout the day you can make it with an infusion of rosemary or mint. They will protect you from halitosis.

The mint ( Mentha piperita ) is used against bad breath both infusion and essential oil form. to have fresher breath.

If oral hygiene is correct, halitosis can be a signal that the body gives us that there are toxins and fermented waste in the intestine.

It is advisable to do a liver cleansing cure with plenty of green vegetables (asparagus, peppers, broccoli, celery, peas, parsley, spinach, chard, artichokes) and red fruits. We can drink apple juice on an empty stomach or drink vegetable broth with ginger during the day, for at least a month.

But there is not always an apparent physical cause of halitosis. According to biodecoding, it can be caused by an emotional blockage : the person has great inner pain and feels anger against the people who hurt them.

He is ashamed of these thoughts and it is as if he dies inside, and this causes the bad smell to come out and drive the people around him away. The solution is forgiveness, which heals all wounds.

Keep your breath fresh

Some plants will help you keep your breath fresh.

The polyphenols in green tea are antibacterial. Suck on cloves or cinnamon sticks after meals. Mix 2 drops of peppermint or exotic basil essential oil with a tablespoon of olive oil and take it before eating.

The probiotics provide good bacteria as L. acidophilus . You can drink water kefir in the morning.

Certain supplements are also effective. Take 1 gram of chlorella seaweed a day with meals. It is detoxifying and antibacterial. Another alternative is 1 tablet of charcoal after the meal, it absorbs intestinal waste.

Consume 1 ampoule daily of the trace element magnesium in the morning, it interacts with the sulfur of the bacteria.

The Homeopathy is also effective to have a good breath. You can take 3 granules, 3 times a day, of:

  • Mercurius solubilis 7CH: if you have a metallic taste.
  • Phytolacca 7CH: white tongue or sore throat.
  • Nitricum acidum 7CH: if you suffer from gingivitis.
  • Nux vomica 7CH: if there are digestive problems.
  • Graphites 15CH: if the burps taste rotten.
  • Chellidonium 7 CH: if you have a bitter taste.

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