Discover 8 Ways To Take Advantage Of The Water Used To Cook Potatoes

The next time you boil potatoes do not throw the water down the drain, it has many beneficial uses, from watering the plants to taking care of your skin or cleaning surfaces .
Take advantage of water to cook potatoes

Potato cooking water generally ends up being lost down the drain. What many do not know is that the cooking water of the popular tuber contains starch and numerous minerals and therefore remains useful in many ways in the garden, at home and in personal care.

1. Potato water for watering

When cooking, many nutrients pass into the water. The minerals contained in the cooking water of potatoes strengthen garden, balcony and indoor plants. But be careful, you don’t have to add salt. You can water with the cooled water or dilute it in the irrigation water. It will be very good for your plants!

2. Potato water against weeds

Hot potato water is a gentle and very effective remedy against unwanted weeds. Just pour it hot over the weeds you want to eliminate. Water with a temperature higher than 42ÂșC damages the cells and the potato starch it contains seals the pores, causing the death of these plants.

Anyway, before you remove a weed, find out if it has any applications. Some are very healthy and tasty!

3. Potato water against aphids

Boiling water from potatoes that are boiled with their skins can be used as a biological pesticide. This is because the weakly poisonous solanine contained in the potato skin passes into the water during the cooking of the tubers.

Allow the potato water to cool, pour it undiluted into a spray bottle and spray infested plants with it to drive away small pests.

4. Potato water as a cleaning agent

The starch in potatoes is a natural fat solvent, so the cooking water can also be used for cleaning. For example, you can polish the sink with it instead of pouring it directly down the drain or using it to clean the windows. Cooking water is also great as a home remedy for cleaning silver.

An old and wrinkled potato can also be used to clean the windows. Just cut it in half and pass it through the glass. Let it dry and rinse with clean water and finally polish with a clean cloth.

5. Potato water as a drain cleaner

Hot water dissolves grease and other debris from drains, especially if it contains starch, and is therefore a great way to avoid clogs.

Therefore, hot potato water can be used as a natural drain cleaner, preventively or when the drain shows the first signs of clogging.

6. Potato water as a hair treatment

Due to the starch and the minerals it contains, the potato water cooked with the skin and cooled has a nourishing and cleansing effect on the hair and scalp. If you did not remember to save the boiling water, you can boil the potato skins for 30 minutes and then collect the water.

To use the natural hair treatment, apply the potato water on damp hair after washing, leave it on for two to three minutes and rinse the hair with clean water. In addition, potato water is also attributed to a balancing effect on the first grays of the hair.

7. Potato water for delicate skin

The minerals dissolved in potato water are also beneficial for rough and stressed skin, for example on the hands.

For additional skin care, simply let the boiled water warm, then bathe your hands in it for a few minutes, then gently dry them and you will notice how the skin is much softer.

8. Drinking potato water is healthy

The water from boiling peeled potatoes has a calming effect on the irritated digestive tract. However, to achieve a healing effect, it must be drunk several times a day for a period of several days or even as a treatment for several weeks.

If you are going to drink the water from the potato boil, it is especially important to cut the green spots on the potato when peeling them, because they contain toxic solanine.

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