Always Get It Right With Pasta … Gluten-free!

If you like pasta, but you must avoid gluten or moderate its consumption, now you will know how to avoid it safely
Gluten free pasta

Gluten is a protein that some grains contain. It is made up of gliadin and glutein. It gives elasticity and fluffiness to the doughs, but its nutritional value is not optimal.

Choose the right cereals, take some precautions, and enjoy your favorite recipes.

Gluten-free pasta has variable cooking times. The rice ones are ready with a very short boil; others take longer than the traditional one. Always check the directions on the packaging.

How do I know if a pasta is gluten free?

  • Cereals with gluten: first you need to know which cereals contain gluten. On the one hand, there is wheat in all its varieties, which include spelled and khorasan or kamut wheat. On the other hand, cereals such as rye, barley, oats and triticale also contain gluten, as well as all their derivatives and all products that contain them as an ingredient.
  • Look at the labels: in addition to checking that a product does not contain gluten or those cereals, you should carefully review the list of ingredients and avoid some that contain it or may contain it: cereals, flour, modified starches (e-1404, e-1410, e -1412, e-1413, e-1414, e-1420, e-1422, e-1440, e-1442, e-1450), starch, starch, fiber, thickeners, semolina, protein, vegetable protein, protein hydrolyzate , malt, malt extract, yeast, yeast extract, spices and flavorings. Some only have gluten according to its origin, but when in doubt it is better to avoid them.
  • Good gluten-free assortment: the most common gluten-free pastas, with a wide variety of shapes, are corn and rice. You can find rice pasta in a whole grain version. In organic food stores you will see quinoa, millet and buckwheat pasta or buckwheat, the latter widely used, like rice, in noodles.
  • Guarantee seal: looking for the FACE (Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain) seal on a product is the best way to ensure that it is gluten-free.

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