The Protest Against The 5G Network Spreads Around The World

The advanced telephone network begins its expansion, despite protests from the STOP 5G movement that warn about the risks it poses to health.
mobile 5g

In France, Belgium, England, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the United States, India, Poland or Germany there are protests against the expansion of the 5G network for mobile telephony that is being imposed on citizens without proof of its harmlessness for the Health.

The deployment of 5G is taking a run. The promise of the telecommunications industries is that 5G will exceed the capacity to transmit data of fiber optics and the latency time, that is, the time it takes for a device to react to a command given by this channel, will be drastically reduced. which will make possible the surgical operations by remote control or the circulation of vehicles without a pilot.

The Vodafone company has announced that its 5G network will be available in 15 cities in Spain from June 15, although the inhabitants of those cities have not been informed of the enormous rate of radiation they will face: it will be 10 100 times more intense than now.

The STOP 5G movement spans 200 cities around the world

For this reason, the opposition movement STOP 5G already has groups protesting in 200 cities around the world. This movement is made up of electrohypersensitive citizens, mayors, doctors, scientists, families and people who radically reject this technology (but not all technology) as being especially harmful and harmful to humans and the environment.

They ask that the precautionary principle be respected, because it is released on the market without sufficient research on its health effects. In 2011, the WHO classified mobile phone microwaves as possibly carcinogenic to humans due to studies linking them to certain types of brain cancer.

Microwaves are a possible carcinogen, according to WHO

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has already announced that it will give priority to reviewing the classification of radiation from mobile telephony in the period 2020-2024.

The activists of STOP 5G hope that the latest studies by the National Toxicology Program in the United States and the Istituto Ramazzini in Italy will be taken into account to tighten the classification of radiation emitted by mobile phones.

On the other hand, the SCHEER Committee (for Emerging Health and Environmental Risks) of the European Union classified the risk of 5G technology as high, with a score of 3 on a scale of 1 to 3. The SCHEER document makes specific reference to research on 5G (Russell 2018, Di Ciaula 2018) and WiFi (Pall 2018) to conclude that impacts on humans and wildlife have not been adequately investigated, opening up “the possibility of unintended biological consequences.”

The STOP 5G movement denounces that the new technology can not only favor cancer, but also a multitude of disorders such as skin lesions, nosebleeds, headaches, cognitive damage and cardiorespiratory conditions.

These are some of the countries with STOP 5G movements


The 5G Crisis for a Responsible Technology citizen movement, made up of 59 cities from 23 states, is launching mobilizations and some are being broadcast. The Environmental Health Trust, chaired by Dr. Devra Davis, leads requests for scientific and legal research on mobile phones, 5G and other initiatives with schools, parents, scientists and doctors.


The promoters of #phonegate (“all overexposed, all deceived, all threatened by our mobile phones”) continue to spread the “great scam” and “health scandal” by which mobile phone manufacturers, with the approval of governments, have exceeded the absorption rate (SAR) limit in the exposure of users to radiation from their mobile phones Legal action has been taken against Xiaomi and HMD (Nokia).


Cantons such as Geneva or Lausanne have blocked the deployment of 5G until they have reports that guarantee its safety.


Stop 5G Italy promotes on June 15 and 21 “Days of national mobilization” to support the request to the Government for a moratorium on 5G throughout the country and the promotion of research on millimeter microwaves.

Italian doctors for the environment (ISDE), scientists from the Ramazzini Institute (with new research underway) and mayors from the National Association of Small Municipalities of Italy support these protests in 28 cities and towns. Florence has stopped 5G by applying the precautionary principle.


STOP 5G Segovia has sent information and requests to political parties to be taken into account in electoral programs and campaigns. Together with Talavera they ask for safe and responsible technology.


54,000 signatures have been delivered in parliament calling for the precautionary principle to be applied.


Dutch parliamentarians are demanding an independent investigation into the radiation from the 5G network from the lower house.

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