The Spring Cleansing Diet That Adapts To Each Constitution

Each person, depending on their constitution, reacts differently to lack of food. Do you know which cleansing diet would be ideal for you?
Types of cleansing fasting

In most medical traditions, purifying procedures have been used for their curative and therapeutic effect. These methods used food or fasting periods adapted to the time of year and the morphological characteristics of each person.

This was the case in two great medical traditions, Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese : they adapted the patient’s typology to different types of vegetarian or fasting diets.

In our medical tradition, different cleansing techniques are also observed. Of particular note are vegetarian or vegan diets rich in fruits and cure Mayr, Buchinger fasting or Kneipp cure.

3 types of constitution and their ideal cleansing diet

These types of purification can be recommended by relating them to the Kretschmer biotypology and the constitutional parameters of Ayurvedic medicine or doshas, which describe three types of people from the humors that govern nature.

Ernst Kretschmer established three types of bodily constitutions related to character. They have a certain link with the three dosha or ‘humors’ of Ayurveda. The usual thing, however, is to have a “mixed” constitution.

Each of these types of people reacts differently to the lack of food or the possibility of following a cleansing diet, so each one should have a more or less long fast and a different return to the usual diet due to their way to accumulate fat.

Picnic or cyclothymic constitution (in kapha ayurveda): Buchinger fast and Mayr cure

They are stout people, with short and rounded lines, with little hair and underdeveloped muscle. In terms of character, they are distinguished by having a good intellect and being smiling and jovial, but also by oscillating between excitement and joy and depression or sadness. The cold weather accumulates kapha.

In a situation of hunger, the picnic person is genetically designed to move very little when looking for food but, instead, activates its mechanisms of saving fat reserves and insulin resistance.

Once the situation is over, as soon as he receives food again, he will tend to quickly fill up his fat reserves, in anticipation that he will be lacking again. They gain weight easily.

They love regularity and tradition. And just as the rise of the tide is followed by the fall, the calm water that prevails in this type of person also has its own rhythm. It is able to eat in abundance and also, thanks to its accumulation of fat, to endure long fasts.

In his diet he prefers soft, sweet and hot foods. Low-sweetened cereal porridge is better for you than creams or custards.

You can do long fasts like Buchinger’s and it helps you adjust to eating and chewing the Mayr cure well.

The Buchinger fast, for example, could be done as follows:

  • In the morning an infusion of plants appropriate to the problems of each person is taken. Optionally, a tablespoon of honey can be added.
  • Between hours you drink plenty of mineral water. Lemon slices are sucked occasionally .
  • At noon, a raw vegetable juice and vegetable broth are drunk .
  • In the afternoon an infusion is taken, with or without honey.
  • At night you choose between a fruit juice, a vegetable juice or a hot vegetable broth. An infusion is drunk .
  • Fasting is combined with gentle exercise and outdoor life.

The Mayr diet is based on:

  • Intestinal care through a fast based on juices and vegetable broths and infusions with medicinal plants.
  • A diet of muffins and milk. Stale bread rolls are eaten three times with small sips of milk. It helps to keep the body low in calories and at the same time educates chewing.
  • The purification through intake salts magnesium sulfate.
  • The abdominal self-massage.
  • Recovery with saunas or steam baths, and subsequent exercise and alkaline diet.

Athletic or epilectoid-type constitution (pitta)

Athletic people have a well-formed skeleton and musculature. With elongated lines, their hips are poorly developed. Its weight is medium and it oscillates easily.

Spicy substances (which provide heat) are good for them in summer. In winter, the opposite happens: as their internal flame is very strong, they need heavy substances to burn. The hot weather pitta accumulates.

The person of this constitution is trained to move quickly in search of food, so he eats what he wants and does not accumulate fat. The athletic one prefers strong food and likes to chew.

Its strength is in the muscles and the circulatory system. You can endure fasts while exerting physical effort. It adapts to longer fasting periods or situations with little food. He is strong-minded and likes to be on top of everything. He is hard on himself and sometimes on others as well.

Even in the diet, he leans towards foods in which he can get some of his aggressiveness: crunchy vegetables, whole grains … Ayurveda recommends people of this constitution to consume small amounts of ginger tea and black pepper to increase agni (fire digestive).

For detoxification, the Kneipp cure, which is essentially an active therapy , is especially suitable for you. It is based on five fields of application, which complement each other synergistically:

  • The hydrotherapy with cold water, which helps adaptation to the ground
  • The plants medicinal
  • The exercise adapted to each one
  • the diet
  • Order life, especially with a regulated schedule.

Those who are healthy can even go on long fasts in which they consume a liter and a half of warm water a day.

Leptosomatic or asthenic constitution (vata)

They are people with a weak appearance, thin, flattened shapes, a long face, a thin and pointed nose, and little body hair. Cold and dry weather builds up vata. Their weight is light and it is difficult for them to increase it.

The asthenic also moves in search of food but more slowly and more persistently. It hardly reserves fat but, on the other hand, it digests what it gets well and is able to spend time eating little and frequently or doing short fasts.

An example of asthenic people with a great capacity to adapt to the environment are the Bushmen, who eat small amounts of food but are capable of chasing an animal much faster than they through the steppe and exhausting it due to fatigue.

The asthenic loves variety, it is vital, it shows itself capable of entertaining others with its sense of humor and applies its intelligence and reason to its diet. It prefers little and light.

If you want to eliminate toxins, you must be careful: small stimuli are enough to activate the self-healing forces of your body. The Kneipp cure and short one-day fasts are his most suitable cleansing diets. It usually resists the harshness of cures.

Fat and fertility: accordion method to promote pregnancy

José Enrique Campillo, in his book The Obese Monkey , tells how the fat reserve functions in periods of hunger or fasting as a metabolic adaptation system but also how these fat deposits act as a fertility regulator :

When energy availability is limited by a deficiency in food intake or by an excess of expenditure, the mechanisms that distribute the use of energy favor only the processes that ensure the survival of the individual, and reproduction is limited. This is well known. the ranchers, who know that their sheep or their cows reproduce better if it rains and there is abundant grass, than if they lack food “.

The mechanism for adjusting the reproductive capacity according to the availability of food is found in the female’s body due to a matter of energy expenditure: reproduction only costs the male a little sperm and the energy expenditure due to the physical exercise used in courtship. and mating; the female, on the other hand, invests a great deal of energy in developing the young in her uterus over several months and then in suckling as long as necessary.

The male does not need a large supply of nutrients to fertilize a female. However, the female needs the guarantee of a good quality diet, for many months after fertilization, to achieve reproductive success.

It is a well-known fact that when a woman’s body fat percentage decreases below 10% of her weight, that is, when extreme weight loss occurs, ovulation inhibition and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) take place. ).

It happens to elite athletes who must reduce their fat mass to a minimum, for example, long-distance runners or gymnasts. It is also observed in those women who lose a lot of weight due to illness or anorexia nervosa, which could be considered an unconscious way of regulating the birth rate.

This matter of the fat of the female and the survival of the tribe was of great importance. As Campillo recalls, numerous Paleolithic statuettes of fertility goddesses, dating back more than 35,000 years old, represent voluminous silhouettes of women, with very obvious roundness and plumpness.

Nowadays this mechanism has been recovered with the fasting of the so-called “accordion method” which consists of fasting a few days after the period, eliminating accumulated fat and toxins from the deposits and refilling them with healthy and non-toxic fats. All this helps to recover and improve fertility.

Recommendations after fasting

Carrying out a fast or cleansing diet is not only useful to eliminate toxins but also offers the opportunity to, when eating food again, review the quantity and quality of what is eaten.

One can even weigh the convenience of following a diet based on plant foods, considered today as one of the best from a preventive and curative point of view .

Returning to eating after a cure is the critical moment to modify eating habits and customs, and establish healthier ones.

Avoid …

  • food excesses
  • meat, fish, eggs, and dairy
  • alcohol, coffee, or medications.


A good recommendation is to take as many days as fasting to go back to a full diet.

During these days raw fruit is eaten mainly, and progressively more and more foods, preferably of vegetable origin. It is sought that the fats are natural, ecological, unheated vegetables.

An example of diet.

  • Breakfast : morning tea, muesli with fruits and dried figs.
  • Mid-morning : fruit.
  • Noon : full salad.
  • Mid afternoon : apple, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts.
  • Evening : juice, cereal soup, oatmeal flan and raisins.

Respect the gut

You have to give the intestine time and wait for it to fill up, without resorting to purgatives or laxatives. A diet rich in fiber promotes bowel movement. It can also help with: a glass of water on an empty stomach, dried plums and figs, muesli, whole wheat bread, cereal flakes and exercise or movement.

Help the stomach

During fasting the production of gastric juices decreases but when eating again it is necessary that they increase to improve digestion.

They favor the secretion of juice : chew well, raw foods, acidic fruits (lemon, raw apple, strawberry), lactic acids (sauerkraut, yogurt) and aromatic plants.

No toxic

When the muscle mass and energy stores lost by fasting are restored, it is important that the body does not receive toxins.

It can also be used to get used to choosing foods with the least number of toxins possible and value those that come from organic farming.

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