Raw Sauces: Enrich Your Dishes With Fresh Food

Making raw vegan sauces is as easy as enjoying them. We encourage you to be imaginative using fruits, vegetables, leaves, roots, sprouts …
Raw sauces

If you want to add flavor and color to your dishes, get yourself a good repertoire of tasty, easy and healthy sauces.

They are a great option for creating color, flavor or texture contrasts, they make the dish tastier and often add an artistic and elegant touch.

But what do we really call sauce? In gastronomy a liquid mixture of hot or cold ingredients is called “sauce” made to accompany, season or decorate a dish. Its consistency can range from that of “puree”, quite dense, to that of “broth”, very liquid.

And there are salty, sour, bittersweet, sweet , sour sauces. .. endless possibilities!

It is interesting to know that in gastronomy it is considered that there are six “mother sauces” :

  1. Española: a dark roux to which wine is added and a dark background.
  2. Italian: tomato or pomodoro for pizzas, lasagna …
  3. Velouté: light sauce made with fish or meat broth and a roux.
  4. Mayonnaise: an emulsion of egg, oil, garlic, lemon and salt.
  5. Hollandaise: another emulsion, with butter and lemon or vinegar, egg, salt and pepper.
  6. Bechamel: flour, milk and butter.

Infinity more are derived from these. And, in fact, almost all cultures have their day-to-day classics: mojo picón, aioli, pesto, kechup, romesco, harissa, pico de gallo, huancaina, tzaziki, chutney, chimichurri, caesar, curries …

Sauces raw , sauces most vital

As lovers of food from the plant kingdom, and passionate about raw vegan cuisine, we encourage you to be inspired with fruits, vegetables, leaves, roots, sprouts, nuts, grains, vegetable fats, spices, herbs or algae, and create super-nutritious sauces and delicious that add even more vitality and creativity to your recipes.

How? Combining, mixing, chopping, beating, grinding … with raw ingredients. Without additives, knowing what we eat.

Many raw vegan sauces have the advantage that they can be transformed into soups by adding more water or another liquid, or into rich patés, eliminating the water. Adopting a creative attitude in the kitchen opens up many possibilities with these simple techniques and we can enjoy raw food more.

Being fresh, these sauces are more nutritious but it should be noted that most should be kept in the fridge for conservation. Depending on the ingredients used, a sauce can last between two days and a week. If the recipe is based on oils or other natural fats, it may be able to keep for months.

When using them, we can use a spoon, or also put them in a bottle. With it it will be very easy to serve and apart we can draw what we want to decorate.

We can make salty sauces whose main ingredient is, for example, avocado, which provides a creamy consistency, a trick that you can take advantage of in other sauces.

But there are also delicious sweet sauces to accompany dishes and especially desserts. For example, those made with red fruits, orange, mango or other fruits. In fact, simply mashing a mango we obtain a very rich sauce.

And it is also possible to enjoy chocolate. We can mix 60 ml of melted coconut oil, 60 ml of agave syrup and a heaping tablespoon of raw cocoa powder. The result is scrumptious!

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