Flowers Also Help To Heal

In spring and summer is when plants display all their splendor, announcing the peak of their healing power and putting it within our reach.

No wonder Dr. Bach realized that flower remedies can help mood. A kind word, a kiss and a flower change anyone’s mood.

The moment in which a plant reaches its maximum therapeutic power depends a lot on its principles, which evolve throughout the life of the plant.

The stems brionia, eaten tender, for example, are poisonous as the plant grows.

However, plants such as thyme, rosemary, sage or St. John’s wort, when they are at our service is clearly when they show their splendor, when they bloom and bear fruit. They call our attention and euphoria comes through the senses: we are captivated by the color, the smell, the taste …

In addition, the senses allow us to analyze the medicinal principles of plants and collect them when they are more concentrated and the body can make better use of them.

With our eyes we appreciate the shape of the plant and classify it into families and genera, which suggests its properties. The smell and taste speak of its active principles.

In the chromatography laboratory , colors continue to reveal their therapeutic or medicinal virtues.

But it is in the field, in its environment, where the plant can best tell us all these things. This is where it can be seen in all its splendor.

It’s no wonder shamans and botanists say that plants tell them about their qualities. It can be understood figuratively. Or real, if they are hallucinogenic plants.

The bounty of nature

The almond blossom announcing spring, the cherry blossom confirming it, draw attention for their symbolism of the ephemeral.

They remind us that splendor and life do not last forever, that it is important to know and take advantage of every moment.

This also announces the ideal amount of active ingredients for each plant according to the place, the season and the moment.

It has been said that when you are sick you should go out to look for plants around your house, because often there may be the solution to your illness.

A uterine anti-hemorrhagic plant such as the shepherd’s purse appears in spring or a little earlier, when the largest number of calvings occur in animals.

When allergies occur due to the pollen of some plants, at the same time there are others that offer their flowers of antihistamine effect in its maximum power.

Nature produces remedies in every place and every time. The splendid plant announces that it is at our disposal.

Feeling the splendid world of plants, respect for them and the traditional knowledge that many cultures have accumulated about them, is not only desirable, but it still puts us in contact with the greatest source of therapeutic remedies available today.

This wonder invites us to respect and care for the plants that surround us.

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