6 Keys To Return To Work With Joy

Rest and do what motivates us the most during the holidays will make us return to the routine renewed and with a positive attitude.
back work joy

Approximately one third of workers experience post-vacation syndrome: sadness, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, anxiety and lack of motivation due to the fact of returning to daily dynamics, full of responsibilities and obligations.

But it is not necessary to dramatize, since rarely this picture is serious and, generally, it is overcome in a few days. In any case, you can adopt a series of measures that will help you recharge your batteries and make your summer farewell more bearable.

Prepare a happier return to work

1. Be active

Spend your free time doing those things that give you satisfaction. Nothing is as frustrating when it comes to getting back into a routine as the feeling of having thrown your vacation days away.

2. Give yourself time

Try to return from vacation two or three days before your return to work, to adapt.

3. Regulate your biological clock

Keep an eye on your sleeping and eating patterns during the last days of leisure to accommodate work hours.

4. Come back little by little

Set your return midweek instead of Monday. With half a week ahead, your feeling of overwhelm will lessen. It will be like going back to reality in two phases.

5. Enjoy all year

Take advantage of weekends and long weekends to do what you like and plan weekdays to include some leisure activity (sports, time for yourself …) Thus, the difference between work and vacations will not be so abrupt.

6. Adopt a positive attitude

An optimistic attitude towards life is the best ally to adapt to changes. In addition, after the holidays, you come loaded with experiences to share with others.

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