Live Eczema Free And Forget About Itchiness Naturally

Certain hygiene and dietary guidelines, along with some natural treatments, soothe dry skin and keep eczema and itchiness at bay.

Eczema is a generic word that indicates a reddening of the skin due to inflammation of the dermis and epidermis. It usually occurs in wet areas and folds, and scratching does not facilitate its relief. It can appear as an area of ​​redness, or when it evolves, present exudation, vesicles or papules.

Many factors can make it worse, such as stress, nerves, heat, or certain foods, such as cow’s milk, eggs, fish, sugar, or food additives.

Atopic dermatitis, much more than eczema

In many cases, eczema is an allergic reaction, and can be classified as atopic dermatitis, quite common in children and babies.

It usually subsides over time, although some people have it for their entire lives. In these cases, certain soaps, cosmetics or clothing can cause contact eczema.

In other cases, it is food, or spring, because people with atopy are actually allergic and have a higher risk of asthma or rhinitis.

Taking medications can cause allergic eczema, including antibiotics and cancer medications, but the list is very, very long.

How to treat eczema, cortisone?

In general, although there are moist eczema, the result of eczema is dry, cracked, fragile skin. Many drugstore creams contain cortisone derivatives, which are quick and effective in suppressing these symptoms, but their chronic use without medical supervision can lead to skin weakness and a greater propensity for eczema and infections.

  • It is important not to scratch and, in the case of children, to keep their nails very short.
  • A hydrating milk or a hydrosol (rose water, orange blossom or witch hazel) can be very useful, especially in dry eczema, and can be applied two or three times a day.
  • Not all eczema respond well to applications with water as a solvent. In these cases it is better to use fatty elements : they form a film on the skin that reduces perspiration and is considered a moisturizing treatment.

The most commonly used fatty solvents are:

  • Almonds (neutral)
  • Cocoa (softener)
  • Olive
  • Calendula (very mild, even for babies)
  • Rosa Mosqueta (healing)
  • Shea (oily skin)
  • Pomegranate (rich in omega fats)
  • Argan

Calendula, comfrey, shea and olive creams are the steroid-free alternative for most eczema.

Do not wash in excess, it is better to take short baths and with little detergent, as it is irritating. Avoid sunbathing, especially in summer, and wear cotton underwear or any other natural fiber.

The diet that protects your skin

  • Eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and C, and supplement with omega fatty acids, such as borage or evening primrose oil.
  • Fresh fruits and virgin cold-pressed vegetable oils can help us obtain these vitamins.
  • Avoid foods that can produce an allergic reaction, such as shellfish, strawberries, chocolate, peanuts, or corn; as well as food additives.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Hydration of the skin begins from within.
  • Avoid fried foods, animal fats and refined oils in general. Use virgin cold pressed oil.
  • Don’t drink soda or eat sugar, chips, chips, or junk (heavily processed) foods.
  • Children have more skin rashes; They can be caused by the consumption of eggs, milk, wheat, fish, chicken, sausages, seafood … The application of cocoa butter can be very useful in these cases.
  • Eat foods rich in sulfur, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, parsnips, garlic, onions, leeks, mustard …

4 Plants that relieve itching

1. Oak bark

For eczema or wet dermatitis due to its tannin content (astringents).

To prepare it:

  • Boil two tablespoons of bark for 15 minutes in half a liter of water.

2. Oats

To take a 15-minute soothing bath :

  • Boil a few liters of water for 10 minutes with 300 g of oatmeal and sea salt.
  • Then add drops of an essential oil (niauli, lavender …).

3. Evening primrose oil

Its application on eczema is an alternative to corticosteroids, although of less intensity. Quite a few clinical studies indicate that it is useful and effective.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera-based cosmetics are of uneven quality due to the instability of its active principles. The fresh aloe juice seems to be superior to the other presentations.

You can apply the gel freshly extracted from the leaf on the area affected by eczema.

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