Magnetotherapy For Joint Pain

It is a therapy that involves the use of static magnetic fields is effective to treat some specific ailments
Magnetotherapy against joint pain

Among athletes it has become fashionable to wear bracelets and necklaces with magnets to reduce discomfort. It is not a baseless idea. A study conducted at the Baylor School of Medicine (Texas, United States) proved its efficacy in 76% of patients with severe joint and muscle pain due to post-polio syndrome. Another trial from the University of Virginia showed its usefulness in fibromyalgia, and a third, from the University of Tennessee, in pelvic pain.

The magnetic fields have a significant effect of muscle relaxation s Obre smooth and striated fiber. We cannot forget that we are all under the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field. Its intensity varies according to various factors such as latitude, but the approximate value of its average intensity is 0.4 to 0.5 gauss.

Many living beings have a special sensitivity to the Earth’s magnetic field (some bacteria, homing pigeons, dolphins, etc.) and it is not by chance that many people need a north-south bed situation to fall asleep.

We cannot forget that we are all under the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field

But an important proof has been provided by the medical examination of astronauts who have spent some time in space stations: they have been detected the existence of a slight degree of osteoporosis and an increase in their height, only attributable to the temporary stay in a medium with absence of magnetic field. This alteration, which is recovered with the return to the earth’s surface, has shown the importance of magnetic fields for the maintenance of a correct ossification or for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Two useful tips

  1. You can use bracelets or pieces with permanent magnetization with a magnetic field of 400 to 800 gauss. This value is similar to the magnets that are attached to the fridge.
  2. Do not resort to magnetotherapy if you have an electronic medical implant.

How Imantherapy Works Beyond the Placebo Effect

By Pablo Saz

In the medical literature, studies of the application of magnets to improve the healing of skin, bones or tendons, to avoid rheumatic pain, for diabetes and for insomnia, have been reviewed, but none have shown greater usefulness than placebo.

In osteoarthrosis problems, not all the evidence has been found. However, the studies carried out failed to show that it was useless.

Magnetherapy for pain relief has been compared with manual acupuncture.

  • The static magnets and ultrasound therapies in the next four weeks to the start of treatment did not provide significant relief.
  • The intervention pulsating electromagnetic fields offered a small reduction in pain.
  • The transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS, including interferential currents), electroacupuncture (EA) and low level laser therapy (LLLT) offered a decreased pain clinically relevant to alleviate.

It seems that these studies are financed by the commercial house that sells the magnetotherapy devices, which, by the way, are not cheap. Be that as it may, the important thing is that it is investigated and, if they are effective, they can be used cheaply and easily.

The fact that there are people who have improved with magnets, even if it is placebo, makes us continue to study their properties.

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