How To Empower All Our Talents

linguistic intelligence

What must we take into account for an education that respects multiple intelligences?

Education should aim to optimize the development of children, regardless of whether they are more or less intellectually capable, more or less skilled in one area or another, more or less “intelligent”.

Each person has different learning rhythms, different ways of learning, different “profiles”, different environments and contexts, different ways of seeing the world, different ways of perceiving realities, different cognitive, emotional or social developments, different ways of being. ..

For this reason, it will be necessary to differentiate the education of each of the boys and girls, if what we want is that they exercise the right to quality education.

Offering a suitable environment for each individual’s needs, giving each person what they need to facilitate their development, should be a priority. For this reason, the early identification of giftedness and high capacities should be one of the concerns of educational systems, society and professionals, if precisely we intend to offer this quality care to all people.

For this, it would be interesting to bet on an authentic inclusive education at all levels, which, among other fundamental aspects, means offering an individualized, personalized education for all children, adjusting teaching flexibly to the specific learning styles of each person. , developing to the maximum the capacities, the personality, the talents, the creativity of each and every one, including also the children of high capacities. Because, in addition, these boys and girls also improve the quality of learning that takes place in the classroom and at school. It is necessary to organize classrooms, schools and educational centers, since offering an individualized and personalized education does not mean segregating.

Also offer positive parenting, with reference adults (parents, educational tutors) who provide an affective model of secure attachment, stimulating the development of a cognitive capacity based on critical and reflective thinking ; create true synergies that are capable of creating authentic networks of quality and effective relationships.

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