Why Do A Detox And How To Do A Cleansing Fast

Performing a cleansing cure fills you with energy and improves your health. Find out if you need to do a detox and how to take advantage of all its benefits.
Why go on a detox diet

  • Why do a cleansing cure?
  • Benefits of doing a detox
  • Signs you need a debug
  • Fasting in the cleansing diet
  • How and when to do a detox fast
  • What symptoms to expect and how to relieve them
  • 3-day plan to do a detox
  • Adapt fasting to your needs

When we sleep, the body is capable of eliminating toxins, but today there are so many that we accumulate that the body becomes overloaded. It cannot completely remove, transform, or drain them, and that’s when symptoms of toxic overload appear.

Why do a cleansing cure?

The disease, including fatigue and fatigue, can be seen as an accumulation of toxins, physical and mental, in a saturated body does not have sufficient resources to properly carry out the removal and, therefore, not its vital functions.

In order to eliminate part of these accumulated toxins, the body needs to stop the intake of solid food through cleansing or fasting. In this way, by not having to devote all your strength to digest, you can regain your intrinsic capacity for self-healing, cleansing and regeneration.

In this article I give you the keys to perform a detox, although if you want to delve into how to do a healthy detox, I recommend that you follow my online course Detox Plan in 7 days at the Cuerpomente School.

Benefits of doing a detox

Although the cleaning process is often not very pleasant, it is necessary to maintain health. Learning to purify with wisdom and love is key to being effective and healthy. If done right:

  • The body responds. When you begin a cleansing or a fast, the body responds with healing detoxification crises. The toxins begin to be eliminated from the body and the elimination organs regenerate, especially the liver.
  • The liver regenerates. The liver has a regenerative capacity of 70% and is the organ that performs the most important function of draining toxins. It metabolizes them until they become water soluble so that the kidneys can then eliminate them through the urine.
  • Many other benefits. It not only inhibits the growth of viruses, increases the destructive capacity of invasive bacteria and eliminates toxic substances, but it opens us to subtle energies, spirituality and refines us so that our creativity can shine.

Signs you need a debug

It is very likely that you will need to do a debug if you have these symptoms:

  • You feel tired, or you feel physical or mental heaviness.
  • You suffer from insomnia or you wake up between 3 and 6 in the morning without wanting to.
  • You have mood swings and / or hormonal imbalances.
  • You have joint and / or muscle pain.
  • You experience brain fog or are thick.
  • You have headaches.
  • You have a hard time losing weight. You feel slow.
  • You have digestive problems, gas, a swollen belly, irritable bowel, intestinal dysbiosis.
  • You suffer from allergies, asthma, breathing problems, or excess mucus.
  • You have irregular, painful, or heavy periods.
  • You have skin rashes, your hair is falling out, or you have eczema or psoriasis.

Fasting in the cleansing diet

For the cleansing process to be effective, it must contain a fasting phase. Fasting is the absence of food and should last at least 16 hours, which would be considered a physiological or intermittent fast: 16 hours of no-ingestion that take place at night, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. In the most effective cleanses, fasts will last 24 to 72 hours.

  • How the duration influences. During the fasting phase is when the body really cleanses, heals and regenerates. Therefore, the longer it is, the more regeneration and cleaning. Take this into account when scheduling your debugging plan.
  • The length is not for everyone. While complete fasts, in which food intake is completely interrupted for a few days (typically 7-21 days), can be very effective, not everyone is prepared to do it or can afford it. The causes can be several: be it the state of health, your emotional reality, eating habits and addictions, or work and family responsibilities, which do not allow you to rest what the complete fast and the hypoglycemia of the first days require.
  • Too many toxins at once. Also, if body toxemia is high, a complete fast could cause acute toxin elimination and create complications in the major organs of elimination: kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, lymph, and intestine.

How and when to do a detox fast

Given the strong symptoms of prolonged fasting, the safest, most practical and healthy thing to do is to purify juices, smoothies and green soups with rational fasts of between 16 and 72 hours.

  • They are superfoods easy to prepare and eat. They carry concentrated amounts of nutrients and, since they are blended, that is, pre-chewed, we digest and assimilate them immediately, in just 20-35 minutes. They provide minerals, vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, chlorophyll, fiber, water and amino acids in very little substance and calories, thus benefiting all body systems quickly and lightly.
  • It is important to “chew” each sip of the juice or shake so that the digestive enzymes are activated and the nutrients are fully assimilated. A juice, smoothie or soup should be taken in no less than 30 minutes.
  • By purifying ourselves in this way, nourishing ourselves at the same time, it is not necessary to completely stop our physical or work activity.
  • I recommend doing the detox on days of the waning moon, because during this phase the conditions exist for the body to detach itself comfortably and effectively from what it does not need. In addition, finishing the purification on a new moon will make it easier for us to integrate new healthy habits. Here you can check the lunar calendar to find out how to adapt it.

What symptoms to expect and how to relieve them

  • Headache. It can appear in prolonged fasts, especially if you already suffered from migraines. Resting, drinking plenty of water, taking in fresh air, and applying 1 drop of peppermint essential oil to your temples will help minimize it.
  • Bad breath and dry mouth. A bad taste in your mouth, bad breath, a whitish tongue or a pasty or dry mouth indicate that the elimination of toxins has started.
  • Sickness. Other symptoms that can occur are nausea or vomiting in small amounts, transparent or with bile. Ginger teas can help.
  • Constipation. To avoid this, it is advisable to increase your fiber intake in the two or three days prior to detox and stay well hydrated.
  • Weakness and tiredness It is normal, especially the first days and if the sugar intake was previously high. It is convenient to reduce activity and energy expenditure on fasting days and to rest a lot.

3-day plan to do a detox

This cure allows you to cleanse the body while still nourishing it. Savor each juice, smoothie, or soup slowly to assimilate its nutrients.

  • All ingredients have to be 100% organic. We are detoxifying!
  • Between meals, you should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of mineral water, filtered.
  • Chew each sip of juices, smoothies, and soups well before swallowing to get all of their nutrients.

Days 1 and 3

When you wake up, drink a glass of filtered water with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon.

Between 11 and 12, have an apple, grapefruit and celery juice. Extract the juice with a slow juicer in the order that the following ingredients are listed.

  • 2 apples, better Granny Smith
  • 1 grapefruit, peeled
  • 1 piece of ginger, to taste
  • 1 small piece of turmeric, like a thumbnail
  • 4 sticks of celery with the leaves

Between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m., have a super-cleansing green smoothie. Beat all these ingredients until you get a fine and silky texture.

  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • 7 blueberries
  • 1 small bunch kale cabbage removed
  • 1 lemon, the juice
  • 1 dessert spoon of
  • Psyllium Husk
  • 1 piece of turmeric (1 cm)
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon chlorella algae or granulated spirulina or in noodles
  • 1 glass of filtered or spring water

Between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., have a cucumber soup. Beat all these ingredients until you get a fine and silky texture.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 small celery stick,
  • with the leaves
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (adjust to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 10 fresh coriander leaves or parsley
  • 1/2 cup of water

Day 2

When you wake up, drink a glass of filtered water, but now without the lemon, so you don’t get constipated.

Between 12 and 14, have an apple, grapefruit and celery juice. Prepare it as we have told you in the previous section.

Between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., have a root and ginger juice. Extract the juice with a slow juicer in the order these ingredients are listed.

  • 1 apple, preferably Granny Smith
  • 1 large beet
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/4 of fennel, bulb and leaves
  • 1/2 lemon with the skin
  • 1 piece of ginger, to taste

Adapt fasting to your needs

When doing a purifying cure, take into account your objective and characteristics. These tips will help you.

  • For active people

You need more protein. You can add, for example, 1/2 bunch of asparagus or 1 of pea sprouts in the juices in the morning or on the fast day.

To sustain activity without losing weight, you can include dried figs in smoothies, as in the “super cleaner” in the 3-day plan.

  • To lose weight

You can lighten your intakes by substituting some foods for lighter ones. In the 3-day detox plan, for example, the avocado in the soup per cucumber, which is less fatty, or in the root juice, the beet per celery, with a lower glycemic index.

Practice exercise in the morning, 45-60 min. Sweat!

  • If you suffer from yeast infections

Better if you avoid fruits and foods rich in carbohydrates. In the 3-day plan recipes, for example, substitute cucumber for apples; In the root juice, use 6 sticks of celery instead of beets and carrots.

Drink 3 cups a day of lapacho infusion 1 hour before the smoothies or 2 hours after.

  • If you need to eat to avoid losing weight

If you can’t go without eating and don’t want to lose weight, follow the same advice as active people.

Prepare some sticks of celery and carrot to nibble in times of crisis.
Take an infusion of chamomile between 17 and 19 hours, to relieve anxiety and practice yoga, 30-45 min.

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