Naturally Healthy Mouth And Gums

Some plants are very effective against common oral problems such as halitosis, gingivitis, cold sores or inflammation of the tongue.
Healthy mouth

Through the mouth we breathe in and out, feed ourselves and express thoughts and emotions.

Maintaining a healthy mouth is thus an imperative of the highest order. However, it is not always given the attention it deserves.

Natural remedies to improve oral health

In the herbalists very diverse remedies are offered for its care.

Lips, gums, tongue, teeth, palate and throat are all elements that can suffer wear or inflammation and more or less recurrent infections, and that can often be solved with natural remedies.

Improve breath

Bad breath or halitosis affects more than 60% of the population chronically or occasionally.

It can be due to caries problems or a decrease in oral hygiene or saliva production.

Aromatic plants such as mint, chamomile or sage are useful ; Umbelliferae such as anise, dill or fennel, which freshen the breath; and even cleansing such as fumaria, which fights intestinal putrefaction.

They are taken as an infusion or in candies (such as mint) and help to regain good breath and a good taste in the mouth.

Take care of the gums

The agrimony ( Agrimonia eupatoria ), rich in tannins and essential oil, is applied orally infusion or gargling and full mouth rinse in gingivitis or gum inflammation and bleeding gums.

Being astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic, it reduces inflammation and stops bleeding.

Also useful are the rinses calendula, mallow or sage, Echinacea tincture and diluted in water.

To prevent receding gums and bleeding, you can prepare an infusion with mint, sage, thyme, bistort, mastic and agrimony, which are mixed in equal parts. One tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water is boiled for 3-4 minutes, allowed to cool and is applied in a complete rinse, twice a day.

This rinse helps prevent the progression of pyorrhea. In this very common ailment, an infection damages the base of the teeth and causes the gums to bleed.

The eucalyptus essential oil is used to treat gingivitis and pyorrhea. Gentle massage of the gums with 2 or 3 drops strengthens the gums and prevents them from bleeding. Swallowing should be avoided.

Aloe for herpes

The pulp of aloe, rich in mucilage, is excellent for protecting and repairing mucous membranes.

Applied on cold sores, two or three times a day, it contributes to its progressive elimination.

Tongue without discomfort

The inflammation of the tongue or glossitis, which is very annoying, can be relieved with rinses or gargles of extracts of tormentilla, plantain, sage and licorice, dissolved in water.

The root and rhizome of the tormentilla ( Potentilla erecta ), with resins, essential oil and tannins, exert a clear local hemostatic, astringent and healing effect.

It is a good ally against stomatitis or inflammation of the membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the ulcers and sores that accompany it.

Canker sores and dental pain

Most canker sores go away on their own, but lysine, an amino acid with antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, can help. It is in the form of an ointment.

The canker sores knotweed or myrrh also combated with demulcents plants astringents, anti – inflammatory, healing and, like plantain,. The latter is included in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

The myrrh ( Commiphora molmol ) is effective against aphthae and stomatitis. It also reduces dental or toothache pain, for which it is associated with analgesic plants such as oregano and cloves, in infusions orally or as a complete mouthwash, two or three times a day.

The flower bud of the clove is antiviral, antibacterial and anti – inflammatory. Apply it to a sore tooth, soothing it, releasing its essential oil and significantly reducing pain.

To soothe children’s teething pain, they are given a large piece of marshmallow root to gnaw on.

This article has been prepared with the advice of Josep Maria Teixé, herbalist at El Manantial de Salud.

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