The 5 Pillars Of Healthy And Light Cuisine

Eat Clean is a style of eating based on plant ingredients, minimal elaborations and respect for the environment.
Keys healthy cooking

There is a style of eating that we can maintain throughout life, which does not count calories, which is compatible with our obligations and makes us feel full, which allows us to feel that we are living our best potential and makes us appreciate our body and way of being , which maintains consistency with our values ​​and allows us to achieve personal goals.

That style has a simple philosophy: go back to nature, to what belongs to us. After years of experimenting with my own body and seeing the improvements and successes in myself and my patients and students, I developed this philosophy, which I began to call Eat Clean.

This style of eating not only gives years to our life, but adds life to our years, because it offers the body what makes it feel good, without activating compensation mechanisms that, in the long run, make us sick.

The 5 pillars of healthy cooking for a diet that takes care of you

The pillars of this new healthy lifestyle that I put into practice could be collected in 5 simple points.

1. From farm to table

It is important to eat foods as less processed as possible, as nature offers them, of organic origin whenever we can, seasonal and locally grown.

This allows to avoid the maximum of toxins, often responsible for the extra accumulations of fat and precursors of degenerative diseases; Specifically, we will avoid toxics present in food such as herbicides, pesticides, artificial sweeteners and other food additives.

It is also a way to leave a minimum carbon footprint on the environment. We seek the greatest sustainability for the planet.

2. Vegetables are the base

Our diet will consist mainly of vegetables, especially green leafy ones, as they are purifying, toning and antioxidants. You must include raw and live vegetables (probiotics, sprouts and sprouts), as they preserve the maximum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, active enzymes and other key substances to radiate health and beauty.

Use low temperature and slow cooking (oven) or short (steam or sauté). The star ingredients will be green juices and superfoods (very nutritious). All this base allows to follow an alkaline diet.

3. Avoid some foods

Eliminate from your diet all those foods that can cause irritation, hypersensitivity in the digestive system, allergy or intolerance, such as gluten, dairy products and caffeine.

4. Combine food well

A suitable combination of foods helps to speed up digestion, take care of the intestinal flora, strengthen the defenses, gain energy, improve the condition of the skin, deflate and lose or maintain weight.

I recommend that you do not mix foods that are very rich in carbohydrates with those that are more protein and, separately, always serve them with vegetables. For example, a quinoa salad or tofu fillets with peanut sauce and baked vegetables.

5. Don’t forget the intangible ingredients

There are other factors that are part of life and that are not food, but that fill our soul … or they hijack our energy. Basically they are the emotions generated at work, social relationships, the couple …, as well as physical activity and spirituality.

“Eating clean” implies practicing reconnection with oneself and knowing how to set limits to conserve one’s own space. In this way we follow our true purpose and attract into our life what we are looking for. ?

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