It Is Not A Hoax: The Mobile Phone Emits Harmful Waves

Doctors, engineers, biologists and physicists have signed the International Declaration of Madrid for the authorities to regulate the emissions of mobile phones, Wi-Fi networks and other devices.
girl mobile phone

There is evidence that the microwaves used by mobile telephony and Wi-Fi networks, and other types of electromagnetic pollution, produce disturbing effects on the human body.

This is the conclusion of the Spanish experts who signed the Madrid International Scientific Declaration at the end of September , which urges health authorities to improve legal measures to protect public health from electromagnetic radiation.

The declaration calls for the application of Resolution 1815 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, voted by Spain, but never really adopted, to reduce the limits of electromagnetic exposure in the population without affecting telecommunications coverage.

The specialists, meeting at the Royal National Academy of Medicine, denounced that radiation from antennas and mobile and wireless phones, Wi-Fi networks, baby monitors, as well as very low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) created by electrical installations, they produce an “indisputable impact on public health”. For this reason, it is essential and urgent to make changes in the legislation and inform the public about the risks.

Effects on mobile health and Wi-Fi networks

Dr. Elizabeth Kelley, director of the scientific community, promoter of an appeal made by 240 scientists to the UN and WHO, noted that “thousands of studies document that wireless devices are related to cellular stress, increased free radicals , changes in the reproductive system, memory and learning damage, neurological disorders, genetic damage and cancer ”.

Olle Johansson, a doctor at the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), one of the most prestigious research centers in the world, which awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine, spoke of the pernicious effect of electromagnetic radiation on the pineal gland, related to the control of the biological clocks. Sleep is disturbed and, in the medium and long term, it contributes to the development of severe disorders such as type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer, according to professor of physiology Darío Acuña.

Damages accumulate

Emilio Mayayo, professor of pathological anatomy, highlighted that the effects of electromagnetic pollution are cumulative and that there is a great variety of individual responses. Symptoms can range from breathing difficulties to headaches or muscle aches, feeling weak, eczema or neurological disorders.

In this sense, Raúl de la Rosa, technician in occupational hazards, highlighted the difficulties of electrosensitive people to access public places and even their own homes, since they require radiation-free spaces or “white spaces”.

At the conference, organized by the European Foundation for Bioelectromagnetism, chaired by Dr. José Luis Bardasano, other experts such as engineer José Manuel Amaya took part, who called attention to the need to humanize technological development so as “not to generate more problems than that it resolves ”, or the physicist and biologist Juan Álvarez-Ude, who described in detail how magnetic fields alter the molecules involved in physiological processes.

It is necessary to reduce the power of antennas and mobiles

In light of all the problems caused by electromagnetic radiation, the signatories of the Madrid International Declaration demand that health authorities establish maximum indoor exposure levels at 0.1 µW / cm2, a limit that would gradually decrease to 0 .01 µW / cm2. This limit is well below that allowed by current legislation.

Regarding emissions from telephone antennas, it is recommended to apply the ALARA precautionary principle, “as low as reasonably possible”.

They also request that the rest of the points of Resolution 1815 be fulfilled, such as those that refer to the need to protect children, young people of reproductive age and electrosensitive people.

In this sense, the international conference on wireless technology in schools, held in Reykjavik last February, called for the use of mobile phones and Wi-Fi networks to be avoided in schools, establishing as a rule access to cable internet.

The lawyer Alberto Arrate explained in his conference that “it would not be understood that Spain had voted and supported this resolution of the Council of Europe and that it did not apply it.” The telecommunications engineer and sociologist Pedro Costa, National Prize for the Environment, specified that “technically it is possible to reduce exposure levels”, but that the industry has preferred to camouflage the antennas in the face of public concern.

The Madrid Declaration is in line with the recent call made by more than 180 scientists to the European Union to establish a moratorium on the deployment of 5G networks, which will mean a multiplication in the power of microwave emissions .


  • Madrid International Scientific Declaration. (2017). Available at: [Retrieved on Oct 9, 2017].
  • Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe. (2011). Available at: Resolucion.APConsejo.Europa.27.05.11.pdf [Retrieved on Oct 9, 2017].
  • International EMF Scientists Appeal. (2015). Available at: [Retrieved on Oct 9, 2017].
  • Scientific call for a moratorium on the 5G network. (2017). Available at: [Retrieved on Oct 9, 2017].

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