Pipe Content House: T-shirts With A Sustainable Message

The brand’s designs are inspired by the traditional cultures of America and the values ​​of solidarity, ethics and sustainability.
Bruno Gomes Sustainable clothing

In my 20s, fashion was already an important part of my life, as for many young people. Little by little I began to use it as a vehicle for my creative flow. I started spending hours designing and expressing my beliefs and thoughts through decorative items and souvenirs . I customized my own T-shirts and other textile garments.

Little by little, my group of friends began to order me versions to take them. Hence the idea of creating my own brand and, during that first year, I dedicated myself body and soul to the creation of garments and their production. But I felt that I was missing something to complete my creativity.

An ethical fashion project

I began to be much more aware of the inequalities and poverty that existed in Brazil and that awakened in me a constant flow of thoughts and emotions about the fact thathuman beings are all the same, regardless of culture, country of origin, religion or skin color.

Driven by the ideals of Simón Bolívar, and with three good friends, we decided to visit some Latin American countries, in search of cultural exchange and enrichment. Hence the first expedition of the Pipe World Tour project was born, in 2007, heading to the legendary Machu Picchu. We traveled through Brazil, Bolivia and Peru for 30 days, covering more than 11,000 kilometers.

Solidarity as an engine

The expeditions reflect my passion for travel and learning about other cultures. We like collective synergies, breaking old habits and co-creating new ways of relating to people and nature.

After this first expedition, I felt the need to continue traveling with the aim of returning and making garments that would incite people to change their perspective, motivating them to come into contact with other types of cultures and ways of life.

The expeditions that have marked me the most have been those with a solidarity project. The first went to Haiti, two years after the devastating earthquake. We work building houses for the homeless in Croix-des-Bouquets, near Port-au-Prince.

Message on a … t-shirt

Our t-shirts are the main message we carry to the world. They are a living speech through designs, photos or words. It is a responsibility to create what will appear stamped on people’s chests.

I seek to be connected with my essence and with nature, to create around me the positive energy that helps transmit my mission. That is why we do not use materials of animal origin ; above all we respect life.

Our search for sustainable forms of production is incessant. In Brazil and in the world it is a daily challenge to discover more eco-friendly methods , but our responsibility with the execution of this mission is strong.

The commitment belongs to everyone, who creates, produces and who buys. More than ever, we are all responsible for creating a more sustainable and just world for the new generations.

Handcrafted accessories

Bags, purses and other accessories are made by hand with huipiles, blouses and traditional Central American dresses. This gives a second life to these garments, works of art made on backstrap looms for up to three months.

The symbols, colors and brocades vary according to the ethnic groups and regions of Guatemala. They are vegan accessories, unique, functional and timeless.

They are made by communities of women in Antigua Guatemala. By purchasing the products, they are supported to maintain their way of life and their textile traditions.

Bruno Gomes is a fashion designer and founder of Pipe Content House.

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