Does Confinement Make You Sleep Badly? You Can Get Back To Sleep

Confinement disrupts the pace of many people, which also affects the way they sleep. Here are some tips to control your sleep rhythm.
Sleeping woman

Restrictions on our exits from home to increase social distance are essential measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic, but they also cause problems. Many people are struggling with sleep problems stemming from worry and changes in habits.

We work or go to class connecting to the internet at home, we have stopped seeing our friends and family and leisure activities are frozen. In addition, we suffer from fear and uncertainty in the face of a crisis situation never experienced before.

This situation that has been going on for weeks causes many people to sleep poorly. They can’t get to sleep, have strange dreams or nightmares, and wake up tired. Sleep disorders are preventing more and more people from being able to relax and recover properly.

Sleep disorders impair immunity

Sleep disorders are a heavy burden. However, most people are not aware of the seriousness of their health consequences.

Insomnia reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, responsible for fighting viruses and bacteria, and favors the development of cardiovascular diseases, depression, type 2 diabetes, obesity and premature aging

It is not a good idea to use sleeping pills that have significant side effects. There are many simple home remedies and routines that can restore a good night’s sleep.

Tips to combat sleep problems

The main causes of sleeping problems are clear at the moment: stress and worry due to the exceptional situation we find ourselves in, as well as the lack of a daily rhythm. There are many natural remedies to help you fall asleep:

  • Valerian infusion: helps calm the nerves and promotes quality sleep. Its active principles affect the central nervous system and relieve stress and tension. To prepare the infusion, pour a cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of the valerian root. Let it infuse for ten minutes before straining and drink it half an hour before going to bed.
  • Lavender Essential Oil: Studies have shown that the scent of lavender oil has a calming effect and helps you fall asleep. The two main terpenes in lavender oil, linalool and linalyl acetate, have a relaxing effect that helps you sleep better. You can make an aromatic cushion, fill a cushion of about 10×10 cm with dried lavender, knead it before sleeping and place it next to the almahoda. Change the lavender every six months. Another option is to make a mixture of 100 ml of distilled water, 50 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of organic lavender essential oil and spray it in the bedroom before going to sleep.
  • Warm Bath: A warm bath can also promote sleep. The heat relaxes the muscles and calms the mind. In addition, it increases the body temperature, which then cools down quickly after bathing. The body temperature decreases during sleep, so the effect of the bath promotes the state of drowsiness.
  • Relaxation exercises: Since stress and anxiety are often the main cause of sleeping problems, relaxation exercises such as meditation or progressive relaxation are also very effective remedies.

How to go from daytime activity to nighttime rest

The most important thing is to avoid going to bed agitated. Tossing and turning in bed is often due to too many thoughts shooting through your head.

  • Get active during the day. It is essential to do some exercise: you can do yoga, tai chi, stretching or just walk down the hall at home or dance to your favorite music during the day and not be all day sitting on the couch. Without a doubt, people who expend more energy during the day sleep better at night.
  • Practice fixed rituals before going to bed. They will be very useful to you to fall asleep. Lower the intensity of the light when the sun has set, avoid stimuli such as too moved music, debates on television or movies with a lot of action, read, take a shower, take an infusion and get into bed in the room completely in the dark. When you close your eyes, visualize a calm place or an object (a candle, for example). Concentrate on the details, without thinking about anything, “observe”, for example, how the flame of that candle moves.
  • Be careful with the temperature. It is important to pay attention to the correct room temperature: between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for a good sleep.

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