9 Natural Breath Freshening Aids

Instead of resorting to aggressive chewing gums and rinses, you can combat bad breath with simple natural remedies that will bring freshness and rebalance your oral flora.
Halitosis natural remedies

Halitosis or bad breath is caused by the development of bacteria in the oral cavity. It is very common and appears more frequently in the morning, since at night the mouth has been at rest and less saliva is produced, although it can occur at any time of the day.

The fact that our breath smells can be a signal from the body to pay more attention to it. It can be corrected by addressing its causes, but there are also effective natural aids to combat the problem.

Natural remedies against halitosis

If you know what is causing your bad breath, it will be much easier to remedy it. One of the most common causes is insufficient hygiene : you have to brush your teeth and tongue well and use a floss or interdental brush.

However, bad breath can also be due to many different causes. From something as simple as having eaten garlic or onion, having drunk alcohol or smoking tobacco to health problems such as tooth decay, a poorly fitting prosthesis, tonsillitis, gastroesophageal reflux, a nasal or sinus infection, liver dysfunction, altered intestinal flora , kidney failure or diabetes.

Following a high protein diet or fasting for a long time can also promote halitosis.

In addition to addressing these causes, you can help yourself with the following natural remedies to combat bad breath:

1. Aromatic plants in infusion

You can have mint, rosemary, fennel or anise infused several times a day.

Thyme, which is anti-infective and anti-inflammatory, can also be useful . In addition to drinking the infusion, it is recommended to rinse with it.

2. Put parsley on your plates

Thanks to its polyphenols and chlorophyll, parsley is antibacterial and improves the digestion of garlic. It is chewed fresh.

3. Spices for after eating

Chewing cloves, cardamom or fennel after meals helps you fight bad breath.

4. Chewing berries, better than chewing gum

Another option is to chew some juniper berries for a bit before eating.

5. Chlorella seaweed

Chlorella algae is rich in chlorophyll and helps remove heavy metals. It is taken as a powder with liquids or as a supplement.

6. Prebiotics and probiotics

Both fermentable fibers and probiotics help you improve the balance of the intestinal and oral flora, which reduces the proliferation of bacteria that cause bad breath.

7. A few drops of essential oil

Some essential oils can be of great help. 2 or 3 drops of peppermint, exotic basil or tea tree are diluted in a teaspoon of olive oil and taken after eating.

8. Increase your consumption of salads

They should be fresh and rich in chlorophyll, with parsley, celery, mint and avocado, for example.

9. Homeopathy

In certain cases, homeopathy can also be helpful. 3 granules are taken 3 times a day of:

  • Mercurius solubilis 7CH: if there is a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Phytolacca 7CH: in case of coated (whitish) tongue or sore throat.
  • Nitricum acidum 7CH: if you have gingivitis.
  • Nux vomica 7CH: indicated when suffering from stomach problems.

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