How To Remove Grass Stains From Clothing

Grass stains are among the most difficult to remove. However, before going to a conventional stain remover product you can give home remedies a try.
Boy playing soccer

Grass stains are difficult to remove from clothing and other textiles. But that’s no reason to use harsh stain removers. There are organic, natural and home remedies that work just as well.

In general, the sooner you try to remove the grass stain, the better the chances of success. With fresh grass stains, the normal wash program with the highest possible temperature is usually sufficient. Of course, be sure to follow the washing instructions because there are garments that do not tolerate high temperatures.

If you haven’t discovered and removed the stain right away, it will be a bit more difficult. You can get rid of the green spot with some effective home remedies and tricks.

Remove grass stains with glycerin soap

A vegetable glycerin soap may be enough to remove the stain.

  • Rub it in well with the bar of soap.
  • You can use a nail brush if the fabric is sturdy.
  • Let the soap work for about 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse the stain with warm or hot water if the garment allows it.

You can repeat the process a couple of times before giving up and moving on to the next remedy, but in many cases it is sufficient.

Toothpaste against grass stains

Toothpaste with menthol or whitening agents is a true stain remover. This is due to the bleaching ingredients that remove tooth enamel stains, which can also remove grass stains. You must bear in mind that this remedy is only suitable for white fabrics.

  • Rub the stain well with the toothpaste.
  • Let it act for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Then, wash the garment in the washing machine with the hottest water possible.

Remove grass stains with lemon juice

Lemon has a slight whitening effect and helps remove grass stains from fabric. This solution is not suitable for delicate fabrics.

  • Moisten the grass stain with the juice of a fresh lemon.
  • Let it sit for about half an hour.
  • Then, put the garment directly in the washing machine and wash it at the highest possible temperature.

Fight green spots with vinegar

Vinegar is one of the home remedies that can replace almost all chemical cleaners. To avoid damaging the fabric or color, you should only use vinegar for light-colored, robust fabrics like jeans.

  • Pour some vinegar directly onto the grass stain and gently massage the fabric.
  • Let the vinegar-soaked garment sit for 15 minutes.
  • Then you can wash the garment in the washing machine. If the stain is not completely removed, you can repeat the process.

Don’t grass stains completely disappear?

If despite all your efforts there are still slight shadows, you can hang the garment in the sun for a while. The UV light has a whitening effect and should remove the remnants of the grass stain. If you prefer to use stain removers instead of home remedies, make sure to use an environmentally friendly product.

Removes grass stains from skin

The infamous grass stains don’t just stain textiles. If you do a lot of gardening and don’t always wear socks or shoes, you can come home with green feet after mowing the lawn. A fall while playing soccer also creates grass stains on the skin.

Foot bath with hair shampoo

Since it is not advisable to work the skin with the essence of vinegar or detergent, you should be patient with stubborn grass stains on your feet:

  • If the stains can still be seen after washing with soap and warm water, prepare a foot bath.
  • To do this, put water in a basin and dissolve a tablespoon of hair shampoo.
  • Choose the water temperature as warm as possible. Do not torment yourself with water that is too hot, because you must leave your feet in the water for at least 30 minutes.
  • After time, wash your feet again with soap and water.
  • Don’t forget to use a good mild moisturizer after this procedure.

Remove grass stains from your dog’s coat

When your four-legged friend with his white or light fur frolics happily through the wet grass, it can happen that the light dog turns into a green-furred monster. To remove the green patina of the animal you must put it in the bathtub.

  • Dissolve the human hair shampoo in warm water and use it to wash the dog’s fur.
  • Then, you should rinse the shampoo thoroughly with clean water.
  • Because human shampoos are not designed for sensitive dog skin and the pH value of the dog’s skin is different from that of human skin, you shouldn’t do this treatment too often.

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