How Can We Feed Ourselves If We Work At Night?

Working at night is like going against the current and so is eating during this time slot, since we do not follow the body’s circadian rhythm
How to feed ourselves if we work at night

According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, our maximum digestion capacity is when the sun is at its highest peak in the sky, when it warms us the most. It is also at that moment when the “fire” in our stomach is most on fire and has the ability to better manage the food we eat.

Altering the natural rhythm of the body can lead to a dietary imbalance in which we are prone to cravings, looking for sweet foods and more dense and caloric options.

Relax, it is normal that we do not feel like a green smoothie at 4 in the morning, but it will be important to know what healthy options we can offer our body so that it feels satisfied and keeps us energized and awake at the same time.

So here are some suggestions with which to continue nourishing our body when our routine consists of fighting at night and sleeping during the day.

Vegetable creams and soups

You know that I am a big fan of vegetable soups and creams, they are a very nutritious food rich in minerals and fiber, and at the same time very easy to digest. The whipping process breaks the food down into tiny particles in a way that we make it easier for our stomach at a time when it would like to be resting.

Many of my recipes, which you will find on the blog, on my YouTube channel or in the Superfoods book , such as avocado and carrot soup, or lentil soup, will nourish you and keep you satisfied during your night hours. If you need a little more consistency on your plate, you can always add a serving of quinoa or boiled brown rice to the cream or accompany it with some puffed rice crackers or seed crackers.

To be practical, I advise preparing creams and soups in quantity that you can keep in the fridge for 2-3 days or even freeze in individual tuppers and consume as you need it. It will always be preferable that you take the prepared food from home before buying it in any supermarket or in the office cafeteria.

If you don’t have access to a kitchen in the office, I recommend using a BPA-free thermos to help keep the soup warm for a few hours, if you don’t want to drink it cold.

Fast & Healthy Food Options

With the hours changed, it is possible that you will not arrive in time to go to the supermarket or the ecological stores in the neighborhood that you like so much, so the shopping list should be a little more premeditated, you should be more prepared. In this way, you will avoid falling into temptations as much as possible when the Oreo cookies call out to you from the vending machine in the hall.

I’m sure you have access to a small closet to store your bag or even a space in the fridge shared by all the “colleagues”. If so, make sure you always have reserves of raw and unsalted nuts, seed crackers, a few sheets of nori seaweed or a slice of gluten-free bread, vegetable sticks, 1 ripe avocado or a vegetable pate. They are some examples that can save you in moments of worm in the stomach.

Some options that you can easily prepare are the kale sandwiches, or the nori seaweed burritos or the Ándale Ándale dip that you will find in the Superfoods book .

And if what you need is something to calm your sweet tooth, take home some energy bars or balls that you can prepare in advance and in quantity, and store them in the freezer.

Hydrate yourself

Your body will continue to be active, so while it needs nutrients it will also require water for energy.

Don’t abandon your water bottle or thermos with a good brewed tea. If you need a little help with a stimulating drink, help yourself with black chai tea, which will give you all the benefits of spices or with a good green tea. If you prefer not to consume theine, try a ginger-lemon tea, the lemon will bring you freshness just like the ginger, which will also keep you active. Aps! Add a touch of cinnamon if you fancy something sweeter. 😉

Let’s get to the point …

The main idea here is to avoid resorting to processed foods, pre-cooked white rice or pasta dishes, or to kill hunger with a sandwich with sliced ​​bread or another that contains gluten. As much as they may satisfy your need to feel full and “nourished,” these foods will make you feel heavy, bloated, drain your energy, and will not help you stay awake during your shift at all.

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