7 Mistakes We Make In The Morning

When you don’t get up on the right foot it can ruin the whole day. To do it correctly there are some mistakes that you should avoid, find out what they are to avoid them.
Woman waking up

To start the day right, the morning should flow as smoothly as possible. Doing it right the moment we leave the night and find ourselves surrounded by the morning light is essential so that the rest of the day we feel clear and full of energy. However, it is not surprising that we make some mistakes as soon as we start the day and the consequences can drag on for hours.

Morning mistakes to avoid

1. Don’t get up immediately

The alarm goes off, but you think you can still take advantage of a few more minutes of time in bed. Then you hit the snooze button, roll over, and go back to sleep. Some use the snooze function two, three or more times …

Although apparently those few minutes of sleep gained can make you feel good, this habit has a negative effect, because you feel more tired when you wake up.

According to sleep researchers, this is because if you go back to sleep after the first alarm, the body begins a new cycle of sleep and releases hormones that lead to the deep sleep phase, but the second alarm interrupts this process, what confuses the body.

The result is that you feel sleepy and exhausted, this feeling can last for several hours. In order not to be tired all morning, you need to refrain from dozing and get up immediately.

2. Start the day with your mobile phone

Do you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is check your emails, WhatsApp or the news? It is not a good idea. Most of the news reports on disasters and social media is usually full of controversy that puts us in a bad mood. Being constantly reachable on the phone is also not conducive to well-being.

You should avoid the “digital stress” in the morning. To avoid being tempted to look at your mobile phone, keep it off overnight and don’t turn it on until after breakfast, at least.

3. Get up late

In the morning, every extra minute in bed is valuable, but you still need to set your alarm a little earlier. The later you get up, the less time you have to eat breakfast, shower, get dressed and prepare, and if you start the day with your tongue out, you will have a stressed morning.

So get up earlier, take some time for yourself. Take a leisurely infusion, meditate or practice yoga before tackling your daily tasks and routines.

4. Leave the blind down

When it’s dark, the body releases the sleep hormone melatonin and you get tired. Light does the opposite, inhibits the release of the hormone and wakes you up. Don’t leave blinds and curtains closed in the morning. Open them completely and take advantage of this light effect. If during winter it is very dark in the morning, a daylight lamp or a light alarm clock can help you.

5. Drink coffee immediately

For many, a cup of coffee is part of waking up. But you should have your first coffee a little later. The reason is that soon after you wake up, your body produces more and more cortisol, the stimulating hormone, also known as the stress hormone.

According to scientists about 30 to 40 minutes after waking up there is an actual cortisol spike. At that point you will not need an artificial stimulant like caffeine. If you drink it anyway, you will develop a tolerance for coffee, which means it will lose its effect. It is best to wait at least an hour after waking up before having your first coffee.

6. Take too much sugar

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, but for many people it is not exactly healthy. Bread with cocoa cream, sweet corn flakes, fruit yogurt, or cereal mixes, for example, contain an extremely high amount of sugar.

There is also more sugar than expected in packaged cocoa and fruit juices. The juice can contain as much sugar as a Coca-Cola, even.

Nutrition experts recommend eating whole fresh fruit instead of drinking juice. If you do not want to give up or you think that the dose of sugar is acceptable because the rest of your diet is integral, then take only half a glass (you can extend it with water).

If you’re not careful, you will have covered your sugar needs for the whole day in the morning. Avoid those traps and prepare a healthy breakfast.

7. Brush your teeth only before breakfast

To get rid of the unpleasant smell in the mouth, many brush their teeth as soon as they get up. However, it is more important to brush your teeth after eating to prevent dental plaque.

If you have a bad taste after waking up, you can rinse your mouth with water or a natural oral rinse. If you prefer to brush, remember to repeat the operation after breakfast.

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