What About Celery Juice Now That It’s All The Rage?

It has become one of the most popular juices on Instagram, but should we drink it every day?

It seems that now the wave of drinking celery juice every morning is coming, we see it constantly on social networks and it seems to be the new panacea. But should we really take it?

It is likely that if you are looking for its benefits you will find statements such as “it is the last thing to restore your health”, but let’s go a little further and look to what extent and under what reasoning these statements are made.

We start by taking a look at the nutrients that make up this vegetable.

What nutrients does celery provide

Celery is a crunchy vegetable, slightly salty and very rich in water. It is ideal to add to your smoothies, salads, soups or stir-fries.

In addition to being a desired ingredient for its addition of flavor and texture in our recipes, celery is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals . It provides vitamins A, K, C and group B, beta carotenes, and calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus.

The health benefits of celery

Many of the studies carried out on this vegetable consider the consumption of its entirety, not in the form of juice. Even so, in the juice we continue to find all its nutrients and components except for fiber.

Inflammation. Celery is a good source of antioxidants, and a diet rich in them is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Specifically, some studies have shown (in laboratory rats) that celery improves the functioning of the intestines and their mucous membranes, possibly due to its antioxidant content and its type of fiber.

Oxidative stress. Several studies have shown the potential benefit of celery in reducing oxidative stress and other diseases or health conditions due to its flavonoid compounds. Its antioxidant power helps us fight free radicals, responsible for aging and cell degeneration.

Fluid retention. Celery is a natural diuretic, which helps us eliminate fluid retention due to its content in phthalides (d-limonene, selinene and related phthalides). This contributes to better blood circulation and a better appearance of the skin on your legs in general, where more fluid retention and more cellulite tend to be concentrated, specifically on the thighs.

Blood pressure. The plant rich in nitrates can reduce blood pressure. This is due to the increase in nitric oxide in the body. This component helps to dilate blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and fluidity, thereby lowering blood pressure. Other nitrate-rich ingredients include beets, spinach, cabbages, arugula, and mustard.

How to make celery juice

It is preferable to use organically grown celery. If not, be sure to wash it well.

To soften the flavor you can add the juice of a lemon or a lime. If you want to add a little more liquid, add half a cucumber to the mixture.


  • 3 sticks of celery
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 peeled lemon (or 1 lime)


Pass all the ingredients through a juice extractor (preferably cold pressed). Better if you take it fresh.

Is it advisable to drink celery juice in the morning?

Celery juice is rich in nutrients, it can be part of your routine within a healthy eating style, but in no case is it an essential or indispensable drink in your life.

Celery juice, as well as green juices, are a great tool to incorporate more nutrients from fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Even so, the most important thing will be to educate yourself on a balanced and natural diet, abundant in whole foods rich in fiber as the main route of nutrient intake.

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