9 Very Little Known Gluten-free Flours

Dare with different gluten-free flours and free of additives! They are not made from cereals, they are made from seeds, fruits, vegetables, roots …
Gluten free flours

The most traditional gluten-free flours are extracted from some cereals and legumes. They are usually accompanied by starches and chemical additives, which pose a threat to people with gastrointestinal diseases.

The vegan and gluten free bakery proposes to make gluten-free doughs with unusual flours, made from vegetables, fruits, seeds or roots. These flours are less caloric and are free of additives.

9 gluten-free flours with a surprising origin

The new gluten-free flours open a wide range of possibilities, aromas and flavors. It’s about experimenting with them and giving them a try in our kitchen.

1. Avocado pit

It contains compounds that regulate cholesterol. It is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, according to the University of Pennsylvania.

2. Tocosh

It is obtained from fermented potato pulp. It is a natural antibiotic that does not harm but benefits the flora and strengthens immunity.

3. Mesquite or white carob seed

Mesquite is a white carob of American origin and is obtained in powder form, in the form of flour. It is sweet in taste and provides fluffiness. Stabilizes blood glucose thanks to its slowly digestible soluble fiber.

4. Grape seed

Abundant in fiber (58.3%), minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc, and antioxidant proanthocyanidins. It gives your recipes a slight nutty flavor.

5. Green or male banana

It has slimming properties and benefits for the metabolism. Improves the glucose rate and the integrity of the intestinal wall.

6. Yam

It is very rich in resistant carbohydrates that benefit the flora and are attributed purifying properties.

7. Eggplant

Eggplant is fat-free and very rich in fiber and potassium. In general, the flour made with it is suitable for weight loss and hypertensive diets .

8. Arrowroot

With 7% protein, it comes from the tuber of the same name. It is easily digestible and adds lightness and fluffiness to recipes.

9. Tigernut

Tigernut is a small sweet tuber, rich in resistant starch, minerals and vitamins, famous for being the main ingredient in horchatas. Its flour contains enzymes that prevent flatulence.

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