9 Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Coughs

Coughs are part of the flu and cold processes. You can alleviate it and reduce the risk of complications with these natural and home remedies.
woman infusion cough

Sven Sommer, therapist (heilpraktiker) and writer of various works on homeopathy, explains his homeopathic or homeopathic remedies for viral cough (80% of cases). But first it is necessary to rule out other origins of the cough.

Among the possible causes of cough include the following:

  • Little sputum or clear sputum and slight fever – Viral infection (flu or common cold).
  • Yellow-green sputum, much mucus and slight fever: productive bronchitis.
  • High fever and poor general condition: pneumonia, flu, malaria.
  • Shortness of breath and high fever: pneumonia.
  • Shooting pain in the chest when coughing: pneumonia, pleurisy, flu infection.
  • Shortness of breath without fever: asthma, coronary heart disease.
  • Coughing attacks that can lead to vomiting, shortness of breath: spastic cough, whooping cough, asthma.
  • Cough that lasts more than 8 weeks: chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer.

At the slightest suspicion that the cough may be something more than a viral process, it is necessary to go to the emergency room to receive a reliable diagnosis. But if the cough is due to a cold or flu, it should not be neglected either, as it can complicate into bronchitis or pneumonia.

Older people are in more danger, because their immune response is not as strong and effective as that of a young person. It is also convenient that they go to the doctor with any type of cough.

Natural medicine and homeopathy are effective cough treatments

Beyond the theoretical controversies, the efficacy of natural medicine (plants, homeopathy and other therapies) is well known by professionals and patients who use them.

In Germany, where Sommer was trained, although he currently lives in Spain, 80% of the 7,000 people surveyed by the Bertelsmann Foundation and Marmer GEK answered that homeopathy improved their health on some occasion. And half of the German population has ever used a homeopathic medicine.

In Spain, 53% of the population trusts homeopathic medicine and the people who use it are among those with the most studies, according to a study by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.

General tips to take care of your cough

So that a mild cough causes the least possible discomfort and subsides in a short period of time without being complicated, you can take several measures at home from the first symptoms.

  • Drink a lot of water and infusions because it facilitates the elimination of mucus. It also makes the cough softer, less annoying.
  • Inhale and rub your chest and back with blends of essential oils (chamomile, eucalyptus, or thyme) with a base oil (almond, coconut, or sesame oil).
  • Gently tap the chest and back with your cupped hand to help the mucus loosen.

Homeopathic medicines that are often used in case of cough

Homeopathic medicines do not legally have a medical indication. In homeopathic medicine they are chosen based on the characteristics of the patient, not just on the symptoms that he shows.

Thus, the same homeopathic remedy can be used with people who exhibit different symptoms, and a mild cough can be cured with different medications.

However, homeopaths use a number of medications with particular frequency. To choose which one is more suitable for you, see which one best corresponds to your reactions:

  1. Abrupt onset, short and wheezing cough, with a choking sensation. Feelings of fear and restlessness: Aconitum C30, every 30 minutes.
  2. Dry and painful cough; irritative when breathing deeply, often with pangs in the chest, which make the patient hold the chest; often need to drink cold things: Bryonia C30 every 4 hours.
  3. Barking and dry cough: Belladonna C30, every two hours.
  4. Cough with a tickling sensation in the uvula or bell, nausea, vomiting and crackling sound in the bronchi, choking sensation: Ipecacuanha C30, every two hours.
  5. Very painful dry cough, great thirst for cold drinks, fever, hoarse voice, hoarseness or complete loss of voice: Phosphorus C30, every 12 hours.
  6. Cough while standing that improves when stretching, accompanied by red, watery eyes and mucus: Euphrasia D12, every 4 hours.
  7. Cough and hoarseness due to the smallest stimulus of cold, crackling, slight cough, but also tending to suffocation, stabbing pains in the larynx: Hepar sulfuris C30, every 4 hours.
  8. Strong spastic cough that steals breath, constriction of the chest with respiratory distress: Cuprum metallicum C30, every two hours.
  9. Yellowish green sputum in the morning, at night dry cough: Pulsatilla C30, every six hours.

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