7 Natural Aids To Relieve Ringing In The Ear

All is not lost to tinnitus or tinnitus. Some lifestyle changes and natural therapies can help mitigate the ringing and improve your quality of life.
Tinnitus natural aids

Many people despair when they are diagnosed with tinnitus, a chronic ringing in the ear that can be infuriating and often prevents even sleep. Desperation increases when effective solutions are not offered and it seems that the only thing left is to accept the problem and learn to live with it.

And it is true: in general there are no effective medications to treat tinnitus or tinnitus, but there are measures that can help reduce them, especially those that help the general state of our health. In addition, they do not have any contraindications.

How to relieve tinnitus naturally

It is first necessary to clearly delimit what health problems we have, in order to address them, and above all evaluate our perception of sound by seeing if there is hearing loss, misophonia, neurodevelopmental disorders, an obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder or selective sound sensitivity syndrome. In some hearing disorders it can be assessed whether the problem improves using hearing aids.

It should also be observed if there are muscle contractures that may be influencing the problem, especially cervical contractures, and it could even be convenient to look for what diagnosis traditional Chinese medicine offers in our specific case.

From there, you can try these strategies to improve the problem :

1. Food

In some cases it may be helpful to adopt a vegetarian diet without salt, refined sugars, or heated fats. Also cut out coffee and alcohol.

Some studies have shown that certain nutritional changes in people who have tinnitus and metabolic syndrome, cholesterol, gout, or diabetes can improve tinnitus.

2. Phytotherapy

There are vasodilator plants that have helped against tinnitus, including ginkgo ( Ginkgo biloba ) and hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna ).

3. Neck exercises

There are exercises that help work the muscles of the neck and the internal structures of the middle ear.

One of them is, for example, swallowing hard.

4. Massage or osteopathy

Some techniques help to position the cervical vertebrae and the spine well, which can alleviate the whistling if there are muscle contractures that are influencing.

5. Apply heat

You can apply compresses or hot hay bags, or a hot bath with jets of water on the cervical muscles.

6. Integrate sound

The therapy auditory retraining try to view tinnitus as normal, ambient noise more who do not pay attention. For this, sometimes other sounds are used that attract attention and that can be external (such as music or television) or internal (such as the heartbeat itself).

Sound generators that emit a white noise can be used , but if there is hearing loss, the hearing aid will have to be adapted without completely masking the tinnitus, and that it is pleasant.

7. Acupuncture

The use of needles or moxa should also be considered in accordance with a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine. Sometimes it can help.

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