4 Natural Remedies Against Insomnia

If you have trouble falling asleep, put a stop to it with these solutions (without side effects) and rest better
Natural remedies for insomnia

Lack of sleep reduces our well-being. But sometimes problems occupy our minds just when the light goes out. We propose you 4 natural remedies so that you can sleep soundly and soundly at night.

1. Soothing plants and scents

· Many plants have calming and sleeping properties: linden, poppy, valerian, passionflower, hawthorn, orange blossom … Take them as an infusion, extract (drops) or capsules that are swallowed with water.

· Certain fragrances can help you fall asleep: lavender, violet, linden, myrtle… The leaves or flowers can be kept in a bag that you will attach to the pillow or to the cover on the inside.

2. Shower before bed

· A ten minute bath in lukewarm water (34-35 ° C) before going to bed will exert a sedative action on the nervous system.

· Add any of the aforementioned plants to the water, the effect will be greater.

· You can also add tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, which makes the water more alkaline and works as a tranquilizer of the nervous network found in the epidermis.

3. Choose your homeopathy

· If you wake up around three in the morning: Nux vomica, Thuya.

· If you feel some agitation: Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Zincum.

· If you have heart palpitations: Spigelia (before midnight), Phosphorus (after midnight), Arsenicum.

· If, on the other hand, you feel startled when you fall asleep: Gelsemium, Lachesis, Ignatia.

· If you have a lack of sleep due to having experienced pleasant emotions during the day, take Coffea.

4. Count sheep

· Counting sheep works: it is a technique that occupies both hemispheres of the brain at the same time and we literally fall asleep out of boredom.

· Another possibility is to imagine that the thoughts that disturb us are like clouds crossing the sky. Don’t do anything, refuse to follow them, just watch them. Soon the clouds will disappear, the sky will be empty and, without knowing how, you will fall asleep.

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