3 Signs That Your Body Is Aging Too Fast

Our body is very wise and before we get seriously ill, it shows us signs on the outside to warn us that something bad is happening inside us.
Cutting lemon

The skin, the largest organ in our body, clearly reflects how we are inside. Premature wrinkles, the tone of our skin, the condition of our hair and our general appearance indicate whether our biological age is greater than our chronological age or not.

You’ve probably seen young people who look older and people in their fifties who look and vitality twenty-five.

How to recognize premature aging

Here are some signs that your body is aging prematurely and what to do to prevent it:

1. Redness of the eyes

Having reddish eyes can be due to allergies, from spending many hours in front of the screen … but when it becomes a chronic symptom it is a sign of permanent inflammation related to arthritis, a disease usually associated with age.

An alkaline diet, rich in antioxidants, can reduce inflammation, joint pain, and stiffness. For this, it is ideal to follow a proportion of 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidifiers, that is, a diet where most of the foods are green leaves, vegetables, fruits and, to a lesser extent, quality proteins, whole-grain carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Some foods that will help you fight inflammation are:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Garlic

2. Droopy eyelids and fat deposits around the eyes

The fatigue, the allergies, thyroid problems s or fluid retention may be reflected in drooping eyelids, signal oxidative stress when free radicals begin to damage cells.

Oxidative stress is highly related to the consumption of processed or refined foods. The solution is easy: stop consuming them! Swap the potato chips for some luscious blueberries or indulge in some crispy carrots with hummus.

The toxins and free radicals also come from external factors such as water and air, but a diet rich in antioxidants can counteract these effects.

A study conducted by Danish scientists for more than 35 years showed that fat deposits under the eyes could be indicative of cardiovascular disease. Knowing this, we can prevent severe heart disease just by making a change in diet.

3. Wrinkles and sagging skin

Having wrinkles and looser skin is an inevitable aging process, but some people experience it in their twenties. There are creams, makeup, cosmetic interventions that help us to minimize the visibility of these symptoms from the outside, but this is just putting a plaster on the wounds without healing the root.

If we do not provide our body with clean foods, especially those that promote beautiful skin, such as cabbages, pears or turmeric, we may develop deep nasolabial lines sooner than they should. Nasolabial lines can indicate a congested digestive system and an overloaded liver, or that our cells are not getting enough oxygen.

Although no one likes to appear older than the real age, these signals can be “called” to start taking care of yourself and nourishing yourself with the foods your body deserves.

What can you do?

  • Drink warm water with lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach.
  • The pears are rich in fiber that helps cleanse the colon while we provide minerals and vitamins A, E and Group B. In addition, they can be our piece of fruit juices or green smoothies daily.
  • The cabbages, also rich in fiber, help us to purify the blood due to its high content of vitamin C and sulfur.
  • The Turmeric contains very powerful antioxidant, curcumin, an anti – inflammatory that helps to improve blood circulation.

Chronic stress

This has more to do with how you feel than how you see yourself in the mirror, but it is important to know that the stress you suffer day after day causes the aging of your cells.

Stress is related to chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal gland exhaustion and heart disease. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol when we are stressed; if it is chronic, this hormone circulates in an uncontrolled way in the bloodstream damaging the circulatory system and contributing to overweight, insomnia, panic attacks and high blood pressure.

It is obvious that eating clean will help you regulate your hormonal levels and feel better, but getting involved in activities dedicated to you, that help you stop, focus on your breathing or simply disconnect from your obligations (I love yoga). it will help relieve symptoms and combat stress.

Eating and living clean involves cleansing the body and its organs to prevent premature aging of your cells and increase your energy and vitality. Cleaning the body is the key. The power is in your hands … When you start eating well, not only do you feel healthier, but you look much better!


  1. What is Reactive Arthritis? Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the Public. NHI WEB. http://www.niams.nih.gov/Health_Info/Reactive_Arthritis/reactive_arthritis_ff.asp
  2. Skin aging and oxidative stress in a narrow-age cohort of older adults. European Geriatric Medicine. http://www.larspenke.eu/pdfs/Allerhand_et_al_2011_-_Skin_ageing.pdf

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